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I know, another sunset shot, but I think Rudolph is responsible for this one last night. Merry Christmas.

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I appreciate the detail this guy makes when stacking his firewood.

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Pretty warm here, 45° and my snow is gone for now. It makes it easier to get around the woods and tap earlier than I have before. The sap is running already. That usually means the boating season starts in two months. :winkingthumbsup"

Pretty good string of Sunsets lately.

@zipper Can you tell me when it is the best time to buy maple syrup and also the name of the company you sell yours too? Thanks[flag]
@zipper Can you tell me when it is the best time to buy maple syrup and also the name of the company you sell yours too? Thanks[flag]

Hello John, Usually the Spring, April/May is the best time. But the stuff is always available here.
I did it! I finished a project in less than a year... lol!
I started work on a couple of night stands I meant to surprise my wife with on mother's day. I missed that deadline by a few days... I guess I better start on next year's mother's day now.

Cue National Geographic documentary voice:

Today we are a spoiled rotten dog in his natural habitat. Upon closer inspection of this magnificent species it appears to be resting.... for it is sure to be a hell of a night with all the fireworks and such to drive the canine wild.

Stay safe for anytime going out tonight and Happy New Years!

Cue National Geographic documentary voice:

Today we are a spoiled rotten dog in his natural habitat. Upon closer inspection of this magnificent species it appears to be resting.... for it is sure to be a hell of a night with all the fireworks and such to drive the canine wild.

Stay safe for anytime going out tonight and Happy New Years!

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Love the colors!

We're taking the boat to downtown St Pete for New Years. Should be fun but cold (for us 56°)

Happy New Year to all!!!!!!
Toilet light, I thought it was a gag gift from my wife but I actually like it now that it’s installed. Motion activated, scrolls through 16 colors, 5 dimmer settings, powered by 3 aaa batteries, came in a 3 pack.


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That toilet light is crazy!!

Some more pics of Tucker at 9 months. Fireworks during the day disturbed his nap and he wasn’t happy :D. I wish we knew what kind of dog breed(s) he is. If anyone has any ideas please share. We thought about doing a doggy dna but not sure if those are legit or what.

That toilet light is crazy!!

Some more pics of Tucker at 9 months. Fireworks during the day disturbed his nap and he wasn’t happy :D. I wish we knew what kind of dog breed(s) he is. If anyone has any ideas please share. We thought about doing a doggy dna but not sure if those are legit or what.

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The best 10 dogs in the neighborhood is the correct answer