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Show us what you see!!!

@Murf'n'surf , they are part of the environment/tourist attraction. Not as many or as noisy here at the Wharf of Santa Cruz as there are at Pier 39 in San Francisco. I sometimes see one up river,100 miles away from San Francisco near Sacramento and if I’m in the water when it is, I get out.
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@Murf'n'surf , they are part of the environment/tourist attraction. Not as many or as noisy here at the Wharf of Santa Cruz as there are at Pier 39 in San Francisco. I sometimes see them up to 100 miles away in Sacramento and if I’m in the water when they are, I get out.
You must have exceptional vision!
Here is the first footage of from my Son’s new360 degree camera. I am looking forward to using it in the water.

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Happy Holidays, Jetboaters!
See you on the water.

The cheap stuff ($350 per person) is outdoors on a picknic table, hopefully under a tent with gas heater or fire pit.
Santa on a wave runner we'll keep me going through the holidays..Happy Holidays!
One of our sheepdogs is going delusional, I think.

He started attending our workouts and acting like a boss, supervising... As he's a studio owner, or a trainer?

He's quite consistent watching practices, and seems pretty serious.

Yesterday, I think he was trying to help our youngest struggling at plank station...

But then he just gave up on my middle one... and covered his face..., lolol.

Oh, well.
Must be the beginning of cabin fever season...?

He is just trying to fit in with the family workout doing his style of Yoga, you know "downward dog pose".
The cost of tuition at Cal State San Marcos for the Spring 2021 semester. Classes are all online so I get to see what this money is buying, which is not much. I wonder if this feeling is multiplied by the same factor as the cost. Some people are paying closer to $30k for next semester’s college tuition. Classes are virtual, payments are not. 7CBBC89D-41C2-499C-89F5-42A5D5BB9E39.jpeg
Got bored and decided to get some old toys running again. To my surprise all the vehicles are working fine and the batteries in the remotes are still good after 3+ years of storage. Unfortunately, but not unexpectedly the about half the batteries for the vehicles are dead (won’t take a charge or much of one).
I saw this “Solo” at an outdoor mall, it’s a marketed as an all electric, enclosed, 3 wheel motorcycle. It cost $18k has a range of 100 miles and a top speed of 80 mph. Unlike a motorcycle there is no room for a passenger, true to its name. Also there is no back window or rear view camera, just enough room in the “trunk” to hold a backpack, large purse or bag of groceries.
Got bored and decided to get some old toys running again. To my surprise all the vehicles are working fine and the batteries in the remotes are still good after 3+ years of storage. Unfortunately, but not unexpectedly the about half the batteries for the vehicles are dead (won’t take a charge or much of one).
View attachment 138511

A perfectly good Foosball table does not need batteries!
A perfectly good Foosball table does not need batteries!
Agreed, we don’t get as much use out of it anymore. As my son consistently kicks my a$$ at it and I’ve realized that it’s not good for me to be losing all the time, especially early in the morning (to start my day as a loser) or just before bed (to end my day as a loser).