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Adult Arts & Crafts, weekend edition.

La Femme Nikita, lol

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Had my first hole in one the other day! I say first because I’m determined to beat the odds again. Let me add that I only started playing this May.
Okay, first I hate you...... Second, I thought this was a joke because the GPS drawing of the hole made it look like that was some kind of little cartoon character and the bunkers were little arms or something. Congrats dude, that is awesome! I've holed out for an Eagle from 120 something yards and 150 something yards on par 4's, but in my 22 years of golf still have no hole in one.
Okay, first I hate you...... Second, I thought this was a joke because the GPS drawing of the hole made it look like that was some kind of little cartoon character and the bunkers were little arms or something. Congrats dude, that is awesome! I've holed out for an Eagle from 120 something yards and 150 something yards on par 4's, but in my 22 years of golf still have no hole in one.
OMG! All I see now is some peanut character when looking at the gps rendering!
Okay, first I hate you...... Second, I thought this was a joke because the GPS drawing of the hole made it look like that was some kind of little cartoon character and the bunkers were little arms or something. Congrats dude, that is awesome! I've holed out for an Eagle from 120 something yards and 150 something yards on par 4's, but in my 22 years of golf still have no hole in one.

I'm with @BigN8 although I hate you for being able to golf right now too! :winkingthumbsup"

Went shopping for real estate with my Mom on behalf of a very close relative and proud Vet (25 years of Service, some in Vietnam, over three branches (US Navy/Air Force/Army)). We think he would have been/will be very happy with the purchase as it is in a Vets and spouses only neighborhood that has a great view and the HOA like fees were prepaid for as long as he occupies the property which should be forever. This purchase was accelerated by the pandemic/COVID 19. I’m hoping, praying and doing what I can to keep my Mom from moving in anytime soon.

My Wife and I will be finalizing our purchase of such real estate in the very near future so that our Son will not have to do it for us, just confirm the move in date(s).
Yep, you had me until I saw the picture.
Galleria Dallas ice skating.
It sure looks like Mr Swatski had been well behaved, Santa's been good! :cool:

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As warm here as it is in Florida again, @DeanP , how's the weather? I saw 60° degrees earlier in the day. 56° now and going down. Not a white Christmas here, fine by me.


Willow wanted to take the dogs for a walk down on the Burlington waterfront. We walked around the fishing pier and part of the marina.


Nice weather and no ice to be seen.


But meanwhile in VERMONT...


Merry Christmas everyone.