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It was a "hat" Christmas, my old yamaha hat was getting worn and my daughter embroidered this one by hand since yamaha didn't offer it in orange

The camera didn't capture the color well, it's yamaha orange

As warm here as it is in Florida again, @DeanP , how's the weather? I saw 60° degrees earlier in the day. 56° now and going down. Not a white Christmas here, fine by me.

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Willow wanted to take the dogs for a walk down on the Burlington waterfront. We walked around the fishing pier and part of the marina.

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Nice weather and no ice to be seen.

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But meanwhile in VERMONT...

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Merry Christmas everyone.
LOL!!! Again, it's warmer there than here. Woke up this morning to 42° with an expected high of 53°. Think I'm gonna have to move further South!

Stay warm everyone...
@Julian - Nice to see the Christmas Cracker tradition lives Past the UK borders!
I don’t mix boats and alcohol except when “garage boating”. This is why it can be so dangerous!
Staying busy over the Christmas weekend. I was tired of seeing the marble backsplash sitting in a pile on the floor for the last couple of years. We fired up the tile saw and put it on the wall. No sealer or grout yet. Ya, one under counter light bulb out.



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@zipper , looks fantastic.

I am In the home stretch, Last night finished grouting our backsplash (4 x 12 clear glass subway tiles) that I installed over the weekend. Some molding, kickplate and paint and I am home free. Will be tabling the "Boat Upgrade" and "Boat Garage" for discussion again shortly after I am fully completed, cleaned up and all tools are out of the house back in the garage.

@zipper , looks fantastic.

I am In the home stretch, Last night finished grouting our backsplash (4 x 12 clear glass subway tiles) that I installed over the weekend. Some molding, kickplate and paint and I am home free. Will be tabling the "Boat Upgrade" and "Boat Garage" for discussion again shortly after I am fully completed, cleaned up and all tools are out of the house back in the garage.
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And just as you are finishing that cleanup....she'll walk in and start reminding you of that master bathroom project. :)
20201228_124643.jpg My youngest got "hooked" on fishing today! Only one to pull ANYTHING in off the dock in Tampa and he got TWO sheepheads! A natural! Was baiting, casting and bringing in by himself! First time fishing EVER! If my !! Didn't make it clear, I am excited. I never get to fish and am more excited that one of my kids got something than I even got to go out.
My daughter also brought in a pufferfish but momma gotthe photo for that one.
I wasn’t aware of this “phenomenon” before I flew Paramotor’s. I’m sure some of the real pilots out there are. But when flying above clouds, the sunlight somehow refracts around you and casts a rainbow around your shadow on the clouds.
there isn’t a “halo” on the third picture, you can stop looking for one. I just though it was a cool picture too. ?
High school friend (Lisa Vasconcellos) worked on "Your Honor" (starting at episode 4)....enjoying it so far

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Your honor has been great. It has a very Breaking Bad feel with the constant trying to keep ahead of the lies
@John McLaughlin I too captured this full moon tonight. I find the iPhone tries too much...Almost looks like the sun and not the moon.
I wasn’t aware of this “phenomenon” before I flew Paramotor’s. I’m sure some of the real pilots out there are. But when flying above clouds, the sunlight somehow refracts around you and casts a rainbow around your shadow on the clouds.
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there isn’t a “halo” on the third picture, you can stop looking for one. I just though it was a cool picture too. ?

We called them "SUNDOGS" we would often see them in freefall and under canopy , back in the day when I used to fall out of airplanes for fun..
20201230_154306.jpg20201230_154259.jpgChristmas vacations are awesome. Sitting at Clearwater beach next to the water with my shirt off and toes sunk in the sand watching my youngest make a wall to keep the tide out.