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My buddy's 94 Supra. He has been driving it every day lately. This car is a true monster tuned right now at 1300hp and if he wanted to it is capable of 2000hp if he wanted to replace the turbo with a bigger one. The bottem end is built to take it.
After he finished it he tore it down again and rebuilt it again with a VVTI head from Japan. That is what is pictured. This car it worth well north of 100k.

Now he is finishing his other car a 94 RX7. He just needs to finish making the complete engine wire harness.

My buddy's 94 Supra. He has been driving it every day lately. This car is a true monster tuned right now at 1300hp and if he wanted to it is capable of 2000hp if he wanted to replace the turbo with a bigger one. The bottem end is built to take it.
After he finished it he tore it down again and rebuilt it again with a VVTI head from Japan. That is what is pictured. This car it worth well north of 100k.
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Now he is finishing his other car a 94 RX7. He just needs to finish making the complete engine wire harness.

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Those are real gems! He's obviously a talented mechanic.
Those are real gems! He's obviously a talented mechanic.
He is quite the perfectionist. His biggest problem is he doesn't stop working long enough to work on them
Lake Hopatcong, NJ, earlier tonight. I could only look. On Wednesday it will be covered in a foot of snow...
Those are some sharp looking rides. I've been a rotary nut for years. Owned a 1st gen, and (3) 2nd gen RX7's, as well as an RX8.

Really glad to see he kept the rotary in his 3rd gen RX7. I see far too many getting converted over to LS power. I get the allure of a light and powerful AND insanely reliable engine, and when done right it doesn't completely kill the dynamics, but they just don't have the same soul as a rotary. I'll never downvote an LS powered car, but I'll give an extra nod to the guy that keeps the rotary.
First snow storm of the season.

Changed my new shotgun from a shell ejector to an extractor, now the empties don't fly 3ft when i open it
It was easy once i got started, new spring (silver) on top, original (black) on bottom

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New hat day ! Merry Christmas to me !!

Sheepdogs are a working breed.
My sheepdogs at work, today:

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