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Some of the sights from the Sausalito water front today. This is the view from the other end of the Golden Gate Bridge.


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Riding around Manhattan on a beautiful Fall day.

Here is something that's likely to change the way we practice medicine, and a few other things, and you will never see it making headlines in the media, lol.
We all carry mutations, or variants, in our genes; most are benign, but some can predispose to various ailments, or cause cancer etc.
Figuring out what does what generally requires understanding how the DNA matrix is "translated" into a protein product; as the variants deviate from the common template, those structure prediction algorithms described in the article can inform what happens when the variant matrix is "expressed", usually as a protein product. A variant could be something completely benign, or it could turn a normal protein into a cancer driver, etc.
The problem is, establishing what is what currently requires establishing an association, or - correlating variants with cases which only works well for the most common variants for which sufficient numbers of cases exist with sufficiently clear-cut presentations.
These guys can now figure some of this out using AI, without getting their hands wet, and are reaching about 90% accuracy compared to "gold standard" empirical approaches (such as protein crystallography, an arduous, expensive, and failure prone process). Unbelievable.
We live in very exciting times!

Feeling grateful for the warm weather and lack of snow, although a lot of rain in the last 24hrs, 61°F here today on December 1st.


Grateful...that while the tractor, my snow plow, broke down out in the field/woodpile on Sat. could not move it without doing further damage, today was a good day to repair it after getting the parts locally yesterday. Basically, the right side front lower ball joint failed. On this 4x4 Kubota M4900 there are a series of bevel gears and splined shafts that drive the wheels and allow them to turn/steer. The lower bearing on the outer hub had been going bad and exploded this weekend. Found the parts and had it fixed in a couple of hours. The new bearing and what is left of the old one. I believe it failed due to iron shavings from a half-assed previous hub replacement settled into that lower bearing.


Grateful...for rediscovering my slide hammer I bought 25 years ago and never used until today to remove the outer race of the old bearing from the axle hub. And a good set of snap ring pliers.


New bearing installed. Ready for the shim, snap ring, new cap plug and 80w-90 oil.

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Feeling grateful for the warm weather and lack of snow, although a lot of rain in the last 24hrs, 61°F here today on December 1st.
It's warmer there than Florida!!! It's 57° here. Something's wrong here... :rolleyes: :eek:
It's warmer there than Florida!!! It's 57° here. Something's wrong here... :rolleyes: :eek:
Don't you worry......check back with Zipper in a month :)
We are getting a cold snap here, last weekend may had been the last warm days for a while... Glad I used it, properly.

Starting to feel like a NYC tour guide, lol. My oldest daughter showed up for a visit from college, with a new boyfriend... Well, I took them out to see the harbor.

Here is a 5 second video clip:
They loved it.
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I thought we were done with this whole TP hoarding bullshit! Who the @#$% is doing this? It can't possibly be another supply chain problem.

This is the paper good aisle at BJs (warehouse club)

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All it takes anymore is one person to post on FB about that they can't get TP or something like that and the hoarding begins. I can't believe that these people have come close to running out of supply from the first time they hoarded this stuff.
It's warmer there than Florida!!! It's 57° here. Something's wrong here... :rolleyes: :eek:

Hey Dean! How warm is the weather there today? I said just wait a few hours. A long way down from yesterdays 61°.

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All it takes anymore is one person to post on FB about that they can't get TP or something like that and the hoarding begins. I can't believe that these people have come close to running out of supply from the first time they hoarded this stuff.
FYI - My local Costco has had the same issue for about two weeks now. That is, it can’t keep TP in stock. When I was last there I noticed that people were starting to buy up the paper towels instead. I hope not as a replacement for TP because: 1. Ouch, paper towels are usually textured and rough. 2. The sheets are much larger and thicker so are more likely to clog the toilet.
Hey Dean! How warm is the weather there today. I said just wait a few hours. A long way down from yesterdays 61°.

View attachment 138010
LOL...Woke up to 43° this morning. Bone chilling!!! It's 62° now. :oops:

By the looks of it, I guess you're back to the lower 30s? ?
So beautiful!!!!
First time owning one of these. Got the Shark RV1001AE in Cyber Monday deal for $349. His name is Grogu. Best money ever spent. Amazes me to watch this thing work!View attachment 138028View attachment 138029View attachment 138030
I have a cheaper on from Ecovac and love it! I have 95% tile in my house and this thing gets loaded with fine dirt particles that you cant see on the floor. The thing has been driving me nuts lately because its fairly dumb and constantly gets stuck under things or in my sliding glass door track. Every day after work I have to check to see if it actually made it back to the base....time to upgrade to a smarter unit!
I have a cheaper on from Ecovac and love it! I have 95% tile in my house and this thing gets loaded with fine dirt particles that you cant see on the floor. The thing has been driving me nuts lately because its fairly dumb and constantly gets stuck under things or in my sliding glass door track. Every day after work I have to check to see if it actually made it back to the base....time to upgrade to a smarter unit!

@Murf'n'surf Agreed! We have the Ecovacs Deebot and it does well in general, but when there is a light obstruction the bumper doesn't sense it's running into anything and just pushes items around. Just ordered the WYZE robovac, we use Wyze cams and they just came out with the high-end vac with LIDAR versus the 'bump n go' plus many more app features and a super sucker:
Wyze Robot Vacuum and it's vacuuming patterns are methodical and not bouncing all over.