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Show us what you see!!!

FB9D35DA-7846-4993-8E02-704C55D8AE7D.jpegWater was calm and amazing today!
On the morning walk. My dog and pony show...

I decided to try these portable gardens. there is a fill spout and water reservoir in order to encourage deep roots. Cucumber, Tomato, radish, bell pepper, ghost pepper, habanero pepper. I’ll keep you posted.View attachment 151525
getting there.
Cheers...It's 5 O'clock somewhere.

Cheers...It's 5 O'clock somewhere.

View attachment 153173
Yeah its been a long week, i worked my ass off and produced 140 hours while actually physically being here 45 hours. Got a half hour left and my laptop says i just sold another 2 hours of work to get done. Should be drinking in 30 minutes lol
These guys were busy yesterday. Raised this 28' Cobalt that sank at her slip at Keeler Bay marina. @blamphere might have seen all this unfold.

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