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How big is your pool. Now that the Admiral thinks we are pool people as well, the conversation of in ground pools has come up.....
That's a good question, will have to report back tomorrow.

She's getting ready for crew training, coming up for the first night patrol next week.

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We went out to the boat last night for dinner and a sunset with the dogs. We ordered from the food truck at the marina. The dog was helping



The 81' Burger is back this year, blocking part of our sunset view now.


This is that boat.

I watched her arrive this week. The owners hire a captain to pilot the boat. I watched as he came into the marina just past his slip and do a standing turn. I was amazed at how he could turn that yacht 180°, almost on a dime, without thrusters.
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My 15yo prefers riding horses to riding boats, or doing anything else for that matter; she just seems so happy doing it.

Here is Wesson, her favorite, she is showing a visitor how to groom him.

Random barn pic:

We went down to the Burlington waterfront yesterday for lunch at "Splash" at the Boat House.


I watched the 51' SeaRay back in and hit the dock with a big cracking sound from the hydraulic swimplatform. About 50 of us sitting there heard it. The 3 kids, dock hands, were a total "shitshow" not putting a line on a cleat but trying to pull in with arms. The kid on the stern line should have set it as a spring line to stop the boat before the crunch. I did not see any damage from my chair, but it sounded like gelgoat/fiberglass cracking.

I had a cheeseburger and she had fish tacos.


After lunch we went over to the launch ramp next to the USCG station to put the 15hp OB on the zodiac. We then went to Texaco Beach, just North of the Marina and parked in knee deep water so my wife could measure the dinghy for a cover with boat vents and poles. Tired of bailing out the dinghy after a rain event. She just got back from Pt. Clinton, Ohio and a boat cover canvas course, last week.



She brought home a lot of tips and tricks on sewing canvas. Also found out Sunbrella does not make Orange anymore. Bummer.

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My lord! This year we went with a simple disk tube. How long did the Ryobi take to inflate it? Did it overheat?
Funny you should ask. We timed it, 2.5 minutes for the initial inflation and less than 30 seconds to tighten it up. The pump was hot but never shut off. Still plenty of charge left in the battery.
Yesterday wife wanted me to take the day off for an early Father’s Day break at the lake since it’s going to rain today and tomorrow from the tropical storm. Had a blast and even tried a few board slides for the first time.

Grabbed some lunch at Chuckwalla’s pizza marina. Food is decent but the views and docking skills people watching never disappoints.

Funny you should ask. We timed it, 2.5 minutes for the initial inflation and less than 30 seconds to tighten it up. The pump was hot but never shut off. Still plenty of charge left in the battery.
Sweet! Good to hear. I have that model and I've used it a lot but not for anything that big
Sitting on the deck relaxing with a few beers watching the sun go down, my wife taking pictures of our local mom and dad hawks teaching there 3 babies to fly and hunt. Its was pretty cool to watch for the past hour. They love our property. This has been happening almost every day at this time. Such cool birds. We also have 2 owl nests on the property. They come out at night, they are huge. They make the hawks look tiny, which they are not.DSC_0507_1.JPGDSC_0499_1.JPGDSC_0502_1.JPGDSC_0501_2.JPG
Testing the new Garmin AP, sweeeeet!
Imagine setting a waypoint at Bimini, and pushing ENGAGE.. lol
Saw this on the way to survey a reservoir today. One of two “Graffiti Nights” in/near Modesto California, an event made famous by the movie American Graffiti in the 60s. This was the main get together / show before the cruise. Very cool since it was unexpected (we just stopped here, the fruit yard market, for some lunch) and entrance was free.


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