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Turlock, CA this afternoon. It actually read 116 at one point, I just missed the shot.
we did not bring a boat or Waverunners With us on this Trip but even if we did it would have been too hot for us to use them. At best we would have floated next to the boat in its shade while we were in the water. It didn’t get this hot until 4, I noticed a lot of the locals at the nearby Modesto reservoir were leaving around 2.

here is pic of the temp when we got home 3 hours later about 95 miles west in the SF Bay Area. I think the high was in the 80s here yesterday.

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Two of the Dream Yacht Charter boats at the fuel dock before they tie up at their slips in the Marina. A 40' Lagoon Catamaran and a 41' Dufour.


They just arrived from the caribbean.

Went out last night to watch one of our favorite local bands the Leftovers.
It's nice to have things back to normal. Brunch at the marina on Fathers Day with live jazz.


My middle daughter is the only one who will still go out with me these days, when the weather is not great.

Apparently, I tend to ride too fast?... or something like that ?‍♂️

Today was a bit sporty, 3-4fters in the lower NY bay, the upper bay was a bit rougher than normal, she just slept through that part.

My middle daughter is the only one who will still go out with me these days, when the weather is not great.

Apparently, I tend to ride too fast?... or something like that ?‍♂️

Today was a bit sporty, 3-4fters in the lower NY bay, the upper bay was a bit rougher than normal, she just slept through that part.

One of these days I would like to head over that way. Down east river, into the bay, go eat at 'Surf City' in jersey city and then head back at night with the city lights. It's a long ride so I would have to check my policy to see if it covers a long tow like that and be sure that I have a long anchor rope because I think it gets really deep there.
On a family vacation to the NE. Today we are in Portland, ME and we went on a lobster fishing charter for our dinner. An amazing Father's Day memory for sure!
One of these days I would like to head over that way. Down east river, into the bay, go eat at 'Surf City' in jersey city and then head back at night with the city lights. It's a long ride so I would have to check my policy to see if it covers a long tow like that and be sure that I have a long anchor rope because I think it gets really deep there.
Most days it's a nice ride, but on occasion the upper bay can get very rough; when coming down the East river the area just around Brooklyn bridge across to the Liberty park/marina can get really snotty. If that's the case (you can always check the Port NY web cam for the visual, Windy and other apps just don't have enough granular detail to be helpful) - could take a detour (longer but much calmer way) - and take the Harlem river from Hell Gate to Hudson - right north of the GWB, and then trek south close to the western embankment usually calmer most days; just need to watch for the crazy ferries shooting out of their docks in Hoboken/Jersey City, they give no warning, lol.

EDIT: Spuyten Duyvil bridge (Harlem/Hudson junction - low railroad bridge) will occasionally close but it is never more than 15-20 min wait, call ahead 917 295 9161 - they actually pick up the phone, they don't seem to monitor or respond to VHF (channel 13).

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Most days it's a nice ride, but on occasion the upper bay can get very rough; when coming down the East river the area just around Brooklyn bridge across to the Liberty park/marina can get really snotty. If that's the case (you can always check the Port NY web cam for the visual, Windy and other apps just don't have enough granular detail to be helpful) - could take a detour (longer but much calmer way) - and take the Harlem river from Hell Gate to Hudson - right north of the GWB, and then trek south close to the western embankment usually calmer most days; just need to watch for the crazy ferries shooting out of their docks in Hoboken/Jersey City, they give no warning, lol.

This makes it sound like you've lived there your whole life. Glad to see that you're feeling right at home in the waterways over there. Keep posting pics & videos :thumbsup:
This makes it sound like you've lived there your whole life. Glad to see that you're feeling right at home in the waterways over there. Keep posting pics & videos :thumbsup:
I know... seems like I went from being a Meramec river rat in Missouri to... NYC harbor rat, lol. Is that progress? IDK. But it is fun as heck to boat here, for me.
I wish I had my Yamaha here, not on the lake, I could get into the little creeks and explore the urban streams and piers, with the Parker it's a little too risky. I just don't want to wet slip Yamaha in salt, and trailering around here is a bit of a hassle, even for me.

I know... seems like I went from being a Meramec river rat in Missouri to... NYC harbor rat, lol. Is that progress? IDK. But it is fun as heck to boat here, for me.
I wish I had my Yamaha here, not on the lake, I could get into the little creeks and explore the urban streams and piers, with the Parker it's a little too risky. I just don't want to wet slip Yamaha in salt, and trailering around here is a bit of a hassle, even for me.


North NJ roads don't help. There is strange road planning there, especially near to Manhattan, like they were designed to promote car accidents. That's how I felt living in Weehawken.

EDIT: Have you seen I495 during rush hour? They convert westbound lanes to eastbound bus lanes and it's nerve racking to drive westbound and have NJT buses on your side of the road.
This is the part of my trailer maintenance routine that drives Kate (wife) mad, but I always calmly explain we can take it somewhere to do the job, and that usually puts an end to any further debate...

Truth is, especially in salt, simple maintenance can buy years of trouble free usage.

I start with a foaming detergent and SaltAway from a spray gun, rinse and let dry. Usually next day I spray the components with mix of crc6-56 and/or corrosion X. The Yamaha trailer, which is usually in fresh water only, just gets the second part treatment.

The driveway looks like crap, but the trailers are rolling fine!









This is the part of my trailer maintenance routine that drives Kate (wife) mad, but I always calmly explain we can take it somewhere to do the job, and that usually puts an end to any further debate...

Truth is, especially in salt, simple maintenance can buy years of trouble free usage.

I start with a foaming detergent and SaltAway from a spray gun, rinse and let dry. Usually next day I spray the components with mix of crc6-56 and/or corrosion X. The Yamaha trailer, which is usually in fresh water only, just gets the second part treatment.

The driveway looks like crap, but the trailers are rolling fine!
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Are the lug nuts backwards? Usually the cone part goes to the wheel
Are the lug nuts backwards? Usually the cone part goes to the wheel
Appreciate your eagle eye!

I does look off.

EDIT - I went and checked, 100% wrong install... I guess, now I owe you that dinner at the Surf City!

WTH... guess I'm so used to those acorn style lug nuts in my vehicles and other trailers... wasn't thinking thinking or I a$$umed those where flat-face...? IDK. I screwed it up pretty bad - is bottom line.

Thank God I didn't go on any trips, that could had been interesting. And thank you for noticing that!

EDIT2 - ply tires I just swapped most recently with new Goodyear Endurance radials - the nuts look installed correctly... before the swap.

Well - THANK YOU, @I_squared_r.

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