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My wife and I have toyed with the idea of taking a hot air balloon trip in / near Napa CA. How did your trip work out? That is was it just you and your wife with the balloon operator or were you with a group of others/strangers? Also, do they have a porta potty on board or are you just expected to hold it?

That was not me up there last night, but my past ride went well. That was the first balloon I have seen since Fall 2019. It depends on the size of the balloon/basket. It was just three of us in the basket, no porta potty lol, you do know these balloon/basket rigs can tip over and drag on landing if winds come up. That would make a mess of the porta potty. so you better hold it. There used to be a balloon and music festival at the fair grounds 20 mins South of us by car. On a South wind they float right over the farm and we have even had a half dozen or so land on our fields.

This is one episode of "Stuck In Vermont" where Eva and the balloon landed in our field. Ya, that "Farmer" was me in 2007 in the video. I had just finished milking 80 sheep and 6 cows, I did not stick around because I had to clean up and bring the milk to the cheese plant . Below in the written article she mentions landing at Willow Hill Farm and a bumpy landing in one of our pastures/fields.
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@zipper , thanks for the explanation and link. I didn’t realize that balloon operators are liable for spooking livestock or that the balloons ascend to up to 4,000 feet. Overall I don’t know if it’s for me but if my wife wants to try it after watching the video and she books it, I’ll go. It was nice of you to help pack up the balloon after it landed in your field.
That was not me packing it up, I don't know how, however I did direct their chase vehicle onto my field roads/gates to retrieve the balloon and occupants, Then I had to get back to work. And no, the pilot has never offered us a bottle of champagne, which used to be tradition.
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Here is another of Eva's episode's of "Stuck in Vermont" from 2009.

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Mr @PEARCE - it was great to meet you (in person), enjoy the rest of your stay in NYC.


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Another night, another guest. I mean, satisfied customer.

And then, we hit the lake with another group!
I'm starting to feel like a tour guide. I'm averaging two trips around the Manhattan a week, lol.



Claire and I recently attended out 53rd OCS reunion In Boston and on our way we stayed over night at the Groton Sub base and made it appoint to visit the Nautilus Museum. One of the pictures I took was of this slot machine cira 1944 which was recovered from the training sub S-20 that was being scrapped. It was used to raise funds for recreation.[flag]E01B468D-3579-4281-8672-BCC8CF6E9526_1_201_a.jpeg4D77ECA6-FCE9-4F82-91DA-BB3BF4E121BE_1_201_a.jpeg