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Both vehicles are jacked. The suv got pushed up on the curb as well. Looks like the left rear axle is bent along with both rear rims. I’m pretty sure the truck is done. More assessment in the morning. We are all up and just started to watch Loki on Disney plus, episode 1.
I just saw the end of a chase of a single car by at least six cop cars. It ended when the perpetrator ran the stop sign across the street and crashed into my truck and suv. I will post better pics in the morning. Took out both my tow vehicles, the night before we were going to the water. F…….K !!!!!

my wife is telling me to appreciate that it wasn’t worse and I agree but also realize that both cars damaged are mine. The officer said the suv only has a flat tire but I don’t see how that’s possible plus he only saw the tires since the suv is covered. He went on to say the truck didn’t fair so well. I saw the front end lift up when the camero hit it and it got pushed Backward about three feet and now the front passenger tire is up on the curb.

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Man that sucks, hope you can find a tow vehicle to get by! Sorry about your trucks
Well, at least Loki, episodes 1 through 3, are good. I finally passed out around 4:30 this morning. Now I’m up as usual, but unusually don’t have to do what I planned to do this morning, get ready to hit the water on waverunners with my wife. I have one, possibly two local friends that I can borrow a tow vehicle from. I have not yet checked on renting from U haul, but I’m not really motivated to do anything: i doubt getting up to see the damage in the day light is going to help.

Long story short (not really and sorry about this), I was surfing channels last night / this morning at 1a when I heard sirens, lots of them. As they got closer they got louder so I ran to the front door expecting to see a chase pass my house. I opened the door just in time to see and hear (I think) a car run the stop sign and plow into the front of my truck and as it turns out the back of the suv. I thought I saw both vehicles move but wasn’t sure until the officer told me the suv had a flat on the street side. I did see the truck’s front end lift off the road as it moved backward a few feet. Before i could step out onto the porch, police cars had blocked of the intersection in front of my house.

a bunch of cops jumped out of their cars weapons drawn as they walked towards the runner’s car. One yelled at me, “go back in your house please” so did, and my wife, son and I watched the rest through our front window. The police shouted some orders to the guy and eventually pulled him out of the car and put him into a police car or ambulance (I did not see an ambulance) but could hear the guy moaning in pain. Eventually one officer came to the door asked if any of the cars damaged were mine and if any of my security cameras caught what happened, they didn’t as we have them set so they don’t activate unless there is motion at he edge of our yard.

Another officer collected a witness statement from me as well as my license, registration and insurance information. They would only tell me that this was a high value target for them and they were taking him in. They asked if I wanted my cars towed somewhere and left to finish their work when I said no. When a second tow truck pulled up I went back out side to ask what was going on but ironically it towed away the last police suv on the scene, weird because it was driven not dragged onto the bed of the tow truck. I got some info from the last officer and will call my insurance company later this morning.

Trying not to let this get me down and kill the day / weekend but the reality is I’m down both tow vehicles which I also use as my daily drivers, I think the truck will be totaled and the suv maybe as well. It really depends on the formula the insurance company uses to determine if they pay for repairs or declare a total loss. I looked on Craigslist for a similar truck and Covid pricing is in full effect as I expected. I bought that truck for $7k three years ago and probably Have another $2k into it. It’s a 2006 with 180k mikes on it and until last night ran like new. Now I can’t open the driver’s door but it may still be driveable. The cheapest replacement I saw on CL is $9k, average price is $11k. The suv is a 2010 which I got two years ago and it has 130k miles on it. Don’t know what blue book values are but it doesn’t matter because my insurer, AAA, bases the value on the average sales price per the DMV over the last six months, or at least they did 10 or 11 years ago when they totaled out another truck of mine. I’m no going to run out and buy a new (to me) tow vehicle today and understand it will take a few weeks before the dust and insurance settles.

my wife is happy that I didn’t have the truck and skis ready to go infront of the house. just a hour before the wreck I was thinking about pulling the boat out with the suv and parking the rig in front of the house which would have reduced my workload this morning since the skis are behind the fence and boat. My son wishes the guy tried to turned left and hit his car since he plans to sell it anyway. Looks like I will be driving that car, a 2010 Subaru imprezza with a five speed, for at least a few weeks and am thankful my son is willing and able to loan it to me.

After seeing the damage just now all I can say F..K !

We have already had a few “it will buff out” laughs about it but now i need to decide if i should get up and try to have a good / better weekend or smoke a jay / have a drink and go back to bed.6861D5C4-C6E4-4609-B74C-B66AB4AF2202.jpeg1532D8FB-4576-410A-B0D7-406177A0E41C.jpeg9579EF14-D807-4A35-B9A7-BDD84C9D2EA5.jpegE487D3B8-FA3E-482C-A815-4419210F1709.jpegED0447BF-4696-4624-B679-925C35EF0273.jpegFA9ADBEA-B64E-401B-8F11-AA77075D2C11.jpeg
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Setting up for the July 3rd fireworks on a rainy day in Burlington.



The sunshades also divert the rain from the cockpit.
Frankenmuth, MI

The fireworks barge in relation to our viewing spot from the boat. We are up wind of the barge.

Some of what we saw...


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LSC Noth channel 4th of july, amdmiral and kids

Work Day today, partied yesterday. I just saw that my wife posted this on FB a few hours ago.

He said he was done. We took off, drove about 6mi on the water in wind/waves/traffic before I noticed. At least he seemed to have enjoyed himself.


Guess I'll be washing chocolate/vanilla swirled soft serve off the front of the boat tomorrow.
Lake Hopatcong, NJ
He said he was done. We took off, drove about 6mi on the water in wind/waves/traffic before I noticed. At least he seemed to have enjoyed himself.

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Guess I'll be washing chocolate/vanilla swirled soft serve off the front of the boat tomorrow.

Good times, it doesn't get better than that. Nice Memory you will have!
Fireworks in Downtown St. Pete from the water.