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Things have been hectic at the cabinet shop. 3 people juggling 5 or more projects at a time. Both a blessing and a nightmare. We've had to put in a lot of hours to stay in schedule and keep

Since it's 2021 and we're anxious to see artificial intelligence take the next steps to dominate the human race (I secretly want to see a T-1000 shape shifting terminator in real life). We decided to hire a robot (CNC).


We took delivery on Friday. It's a 5'x10' capacity CNC from CNC Factory. It's manufactured in Santa Ana, CA. In all reality, it should be an game changer in production capability.
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As you can imagine, she takes up quite a bit of space and will require a complete reconfiguration of all the equipment in the shop. We had to shutdown production on Wednesday and clear all the clutter and existing equipment out of the way.
We successfully got it in place after 3 hours of maneuvering. We're spending the day today trying to get everything else put back together. Realistically it's probably going to take the entire week to relocate power and position it all (semi)permanently.

Now to learn how to use it and maximize its capability. I'm also looking forward to unlocking its potential creatively. It should make easy work if a lot of things.
In this pic is my brother to the left, then me, then my brother’s nephew, my brothers bro in law and lastly my son.
Just got back from a week in Lauderdale by the Sea in Florida. My brother owns a townhouse 100 yards from the beach. Absolutely awesome beach vacation.

So, last Wednesday we go out on a 48’ charter sport fishing boat. Seas were calm all week. But not on Wednesday. 10’ swells all f’n day. We had the boat from 7am till noon. We all pansied out at 9:30 and begged the captain to PLEASE take us back.
It absolutely SUCKED. Sitting on the back of the boat, and looking up at the swells - we all became seasick. The young bucks lasted much longer than us. To be honest - the diesel fumes did me in. And much to my surprise - we were completely soaked with spray and waves coming over. Not what I expected from a 48’ vessel. My son even mentioned that our Yamaha wouldn’t make it past the inlet.
We got great filets - mackerel, mahi-ahi and tuna. But I will NEVER do that again. That was my 3rd time, and my last. Embarrassing part - we are Portuguese. The captain kept saying “you Portuguese suck at fishing and soccer”. OMG! We were not in any condition to argue.
Nothing but MAD RESPECT for those guys.
The following days - seas went back to flat.

Things have been hectic at the cabinet shop. 3 people juggling 5 or more projects at a time. Both a blessing and a nightmare. We've had to put in a lot of hours to stay in schedule and keep

Since it's 2021 and we're anxious to see artificial intelligence take the next steps to dominate the human race (I secretly want to see a T-1000 shape shifting terminator in real life). We decided to hire a robot (CNC).

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We took delivery on Friday. It's a 5'x10' capacity CNC from CNC Factory. It's manufactured in Santa Ana, CA. In all reality, it should be an game changer in production capability.
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As you can imagine, she takes up quite a bit of space and will require a complete reconfiguration of all the equipment in the shop. We had to shutdown production on Wednesday and clear all the clutter and existing equipment out of the way.
View attachment 155949
We successfully got it in place after 3 hours of maneuvering. We're spending the day today trying to get everything else put back together. Realistically it's probably going to take the entire week to relocate power and position it all (semi)permanently.

Now to learn how to use it and maximize its capability. I'm also looking forward to unlocking its potential creatively. It should make easy work if a lot of things.

Love to see the Rev-A-Shelf box there. I worked in Product Development for them for a few years about a decade ago. Got my first patent there. Have fond memories of the company and people.
Saw this while on my morning bike ride today. He was keeping up with my wife and I even with a shopping cart full of, I presume stolen, catalytic converters. How do guys like this not get caught.
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I thought this only happened here in Floridah!!!
Love to see the Rev-A-Shelf box there. I worked in Product Development for them for a few years about a decade ago. Got my first patent there. Have fond memories of the company and people.
That's a cool coincidence. We keep Rev-A-Shelf in business! They have a pretty great product line and the quality is it's great too. We have a plethora in our own kitchen and use at least one of their products on nearly every job.

The tap open Servo-Drive self-opening garbage can is one of our favorite additions.
That's a cool coincidence. We keep Rev-A-Shelf in business! They have a pretty great product line and the quality is it's great too. We have a plethora in our own kitchen and use at least one of their products on nearly every job.
View attachment 156440

The tap open Servo-Drive self-opening garbage can is one of our favorite additions.
View attachment 156441
That servo drive is after me. RAS bought up a bunch of companies during the 2008 downturn. The benefits of a clean balance sheet with cash on hand. I left in early 2007. That Servo Drive is pretty effing awesome though!

As an interesting aside, I hold the patent on the Rev-a-Motion mechanism. Close to expiring now, but was my first one. Company bought the rights to it for a $1 from me :)
That servo drive is after me...

As an interesting aside, I hold the patent on the Rev-a-Motion mechanism. Close to expiring now, but was my first one. Company bought the rights to it for a $1 from me :)

Ya, that is not right. My fathers 2nd patent, while working for IBM in the 60's, early in his 33 years there, was designing the dome used to hold wafers while in an evaporator, evaporating thin films/metals on the substrate in a vacuum to create circuits.
IBM gave him a wool blanket. Probably a $1 value in the 60s, lol.
Ya, that is not right. My fathers 2nd patent, while working for IBM in the 60's, early in his 33 years there, was designing the dome used to hold wafers while in an evaporator, evaporating thin films/metals on the substrate in a vacuum to create circuits.
IBM gave him a wool blanket. Probably a $1 value in the 60s, lol.
Somewhat agree. It was in my non-disclosure agreement that if I worked on it with company stuff, company could buy the rights for a $1.

It was a nice crisp brand new dollar of the appropriate year. Framed with a little wood thing with a nice brass tag on it......it's in storage somewhere now. :D
I saw a ripple on the water in the pool, looked over the edge on the top step and... there was one toad giving a piggy back ride to another. ;)

My pinkie. It D.E.D.

Yeah....bet that hurts....how did you do that????
I would like to say that it was an epic crash on my bike or something boat related. But no. I broke it catching a waterlogged Nerf football.