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Show us what you see!!!

Thats a lot of boat he is towing there :)
Our view of the sunset tonight from E dock.

A quick walk down part of 1 of our 20 rows of blueberries. 30 yo bushes and 4 of our 10 varities can be seen. Made it thru June's catapillar invasion OK.

Started the day with beautiful weather

Which quickly turned to crap before we even hit the fishing grounds - we were targeting Rockaway Reef, south of LI, today

The seas turned 3-4fters - not fun (we would be running airborne in the Yammie) so we cut and ran into safety of NY harbor


Once in the channel, we outran the storm, which only caught up with us when we were already pulling out of marina's parking lot.

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I saw a lot of boats on the water yesterday but this was the most “unique/interesting” that was also, I assume, relatively inexpensive.
the second pic is off an empty pool that has an integrate dock or a with an integrated pool. In any case this is what happens when there is no water in the pool.
I saw a lot of boats on the water yesterday but this was the most “unique/interesting” that was also, I assume, relatively inexpensive.
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the second pic is off an empty pool that has an integrate dock or a with an integrated pool. In any case this is what happens when there is no water in the pool.
View attachment 157401
Discovery Bay?
In Vermont, anything with a motor on it, even a dock or a floating picnic table, needs to be registered and that registration number needs to be displayed. And I don't see any PFD's or a USCG approved throwable cushion, unless they are sitting on all that.
Saw this happening today at the dock of our usual swimmin hole. First time I have ever seen something like this in person. Tow truck, DNR, and police were all there.

Pretty sure he french fry'd when he should have pizza'd... some of you will get that.

Saw this happening today at the dock of our usual swimmin hole. First time I have ever seen something like this in person. Tow truck, DNR, and police were all there.

Pretty sure he french fry'd when he should have pizza'd... some of you will get that.

View attachment 157477
An almost typical day in Duluth, 100F, plus haze from fires in northern Minnesota, Canada and the west coast. That’s a Great Lakes locked 1000’ footer going to load up with iron ore and will then take it to either Detroit or Pittsburg.3CCA1A52-D806-42A1-8BD5-6FE352D49BD2.jpeg26C52698-EB87-4254-A537-80112758D229.jpegBFC67615-E499-4A87-B98C-FF7119D9FEE8.jpeg