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Currently at the Supra Pro Wake Tour stop #2 at Oak Mountain state park. Dealer has a tent setup with some swag PWT shirts and BBQ. I’ll have some action pics and vids up later on.


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Another weekend, another Manhattan trip
Looks like someone thought driving around with their docking lights on during a fireworks show was a good idea. ?‍♀️
You wouldn't believe it.
My wife was patrolling the lake with her USCG Auxiliary unit that night until wee hours, it was not really funny.

They spent a lot of time making sure people wouldn't run into bridge pillars in one spot, and so on...

Apparently, this year was pretty bad. They said about every third boater they approached needed explained there is a difference between navigational and docking lights...

These young, entrepreneuring ladies sell ice cream on the lake.

Apparently, they make a killing. Totally awesome.


They are excellent helmswomen, too; they are out no matter how rough the lake, in their little whaler.

This thing is called a surf ski, this one has “training pods”. It also has a pedal controlled rudder. Pretty cool.
a sign I saw on the back of a door at hotel/motel last weekend. I just unexpectedly needed a place to sleep for a few hours so I went a head and got a room here.
But I sure in the hell didn’t pay these fees. More like $80, $92 after fees. Still what is this sign all about.
Isnt it obvious? It takes a lot to "Keep the light on"
Man, Cali pricey.......

Willow Hill Farm opened for it's 29th season of u-pick berries this past weekend, a week ahead of schedule. Managed to be a good crop despite the invasion of gypsy moth catapillars in early June.


This was the Patriot variety in mid June, stripped of foliage. I hand picked catapillars for a week waiting for the Dipel to arrive.


Never have seen anything like it in 30 years here.

I will virtually share a handfull with y'all.

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Farm truck pontoon jetboat. we've all seen this before, right?




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Check out the first sentence under “Common Sense”. Why more people don’t wear life vests boggles my mind, especially those that get in the water knowing that they cannot swim.

Saw this gem at a gas station today in SC.