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Im glad to be able to help. I was a car mechanic in my 20s so i've developed a keen eye for spotting unusual things lol but I somehow still manage to make my own mistakes.

On another note, I converted the air spring to coil spring on my bike (cannondale jekyll). Only hint to the upgrade is this sticker and the new cap. I'm hoping this will hold me over for another year until I can buy a real downhill oriented bike. That will be bike #3 and i'm thinking how maybe I have another addiction :eek:

Im glad to be able to help. I was a car mechanic in my 20s so i've developed a keen eye for spotting unusual things lol but I somehow still manage to make my own mistakes.

I told Kate (wife) what happened this morning, she just rolled her eyes; she did say she's grateful I have people looking out for me on the forum.

And then, being a supportive wife that she is, quickly pointed out it wasn't the first time I screwed up with a trailer.


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I told Kate (wife) what happened this morning, she just rolled her eyes; she did say she's grateful I have people looking out for me on the forum.

And then, being a supportive wife that she is, quickly pointed out it wasn't the first time I screwed up with a trailer.

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Sometimes its best not to say anything. If I start telling my gf all my bike mistakes and accidents, she will never ride with me again. Especially because i'm her bike mechanic.
Don't forget to get a bucket of "steamahs" and a tall beer. The only thing I see missing.
I was drinking a craft soda from a local distributor. I ate my lobster and some of both of the kids since they weren't real crazy about it. By the time I had finished off there's I was tired of it too. I was full as well! Been enjoying some of the craft beers on our trip through the cities of not only Portland, but Boston too. We started our vacation there on Wednesday. Went to Cheers even! As I write this I'm in Cape Cod. What a cool place!
I was drinking a craft soda from a local distributor. I ate my lobster and some of both of the kids since they weren't real crazy about it. By the time I had finished off there's I was tired of it too. I was full as well! Been enjoying some of the craft beers on our trip through the cities of not only Portland, but Boston too. We started our vacation there on Wednesday. Went to Cheers even! As I write this I'm in Cape Cod. What a cool place!
OMG...you're bringing back the memories. I was married in Bourne on the canal. Been to Boston a few times and went to a few Pubs, including Cheers, Fenway a few times. Honeymooned in Hyannis and Nantucket. If it still exists, go to the Whaleback Pub. Sandyneck Beach is awesome. They give everyone tambourines during last call and sing Bye Bye Miss American Pie.....Never spent a soba day on the Cape.....I'm so jealous right now!
Prototyping in the garage; hogging some 6061 and 7075


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I was drinking a craft soda from a local distributor. I ate my lobster and some of both of the kids since they weren't real crazy about it. By the time I had finished off there's I was tired of it too. I was full as well! Been enjoying some of the craft beers on our trip through the cities of not only Portland, but Boston too. We started our vacation there on Wednesday. Went to Cheers even! As I write this I'm in Cape Cod. What a cool place!

Well, while you are on the Cape, around the Centerville/Hyannis area, just off of exit 6 on rt. 6 is a road named Phinney's Lane near the Cape Cod potato chip company. That is my ancestors stomping grounds. There is a cemetary on a hill on the lane where at least 70 of us were planted. The map on the potato chip bag looks like this. The Cape Cod Mall sits on the old family farm. My wife's name, Willow, also appears on that map. Just coincidence, but her family, Parkers, were from the Cape as well, before he, John Palmer Parker, jumped ship in Hawaii and married the Kings, Kamehameha I 's, grandaughter. Then started Parker Ranch on the island of Hawaii.

Then started Parker Ranch on the island of Hawaii.

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way to down play it/ be modest. My first cousin was born and raised on Oahu. He got married on the big island (aka Hawaii / Kona) about 5 years ago. In getting directions from the airport to the wedding location my uncle who is also a life long HA citizen said something to the effect of, the wedding is on or past the Parker ranch but don’t be fooled, Parker ranch makes up half of the big island so give yourself a lot of time to get there.

This me reminds me about of a friend who married a farmers daughter here in CA. When we got to the family ranch that the wedding was held at we asked where is the farm. He said we have been driving past it for the last 10 minutes or so. It was on both sides of the main road that we were doing 60+ mph on.

way to down play it/ be modest. My first cousin was born and raised on Oahu. He got married on the big island (aka Hawaii / Kona) about 5 years ago. In getting directions from the airport to the wedding location my uncle who is also a life long HA citizen said something to the effect of, the wedding is on or past the Parker ranch but don’t be fooled, Parker ranch makes up half of the big island so give yourself a lot of time to get there.

This me reminds me about of a friend who married a farmers daughter here in CA. When we got to the family ranch that the wedding was held at we asked where is the farm. He said we have been driving past it for the last 10 minutes or so. It was on both sides of the main road that we were doing 60+ mph on.

Ya, no BS. I do down play it at her request. Nobody believes me anyway when I tell them I married a Hawaiian princess, Ali'i, since Hawaii was stolen by the US government and later became the 50th state. Few, except Hawaiians, remember the Queen and all that happened. So while living in exile, lol, we named our Beneteau after her Hawaiian name which in Hawaiian is an ancient nav. compass, also displayed on the boat. Yes, I know the flags are presented on the wrong sides of the boat.

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@Wake_Dude my new best friend :winkingthumbsup"

I know a bit about making chips.
Not like @zipper 's chips though.

I get ya, my father is/was a machinist. I have his old oak tool box full of his tools. His best friend, an old German POW, captured by the Russians, lots of storie mos, who worked in the model shop, tool and die shop at IBM and also had a lathe and bridgeport in his basement. I spent many weekend evenings down there. Wish I had paid more attention as a tween.

Edit: In shop class in HS, I made a hammer with a knurled handle with a thread on head with a square face and a tapered tail, kinda like a chipping hammer
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Nice evening for a hot air balloon ride over the Champlain Valley.

Nice evening for a hot air balloon ride over the Champlain Valley.

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My wife and I have toyed with the idea of taking a hot air balloon trip in / near Napa CA. How did your trip work out? That is was it just you and your wife with the balloon operator or were you with a group of others/strangers? Also, do they have a porta potty on board or are you just expected to hold it?

Yamaha to the rescue at Haulover (2:40)
If you're a member here, we need a award for heroic acts.

My wife commented how the jet drive was the perfect rescue boat for the situation. Safely maneuvering in the current and getting him on the transom. Well done!