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When the boss says I want new wheels for my lawnmower....she gets new wheels! (I guess racing slicks aren't for mowing...but not sure how much difference they'll make)
When the boss says I want new wheels for my lawnmower....she gets new wheels! (I guess racing slicks aren't for mowing...but not sure how much difference they'll make)
View attachment 152638
I dont think I have ever seen someone wear the tread off of the wheels of a push mower. Thats some serious mowing..
I dont think I have ever seen someone wear the tread off of the wheels of a push mower. Thats some serious mowing..

If his Honda is anything like mine, the damn thing is always trying to race me, and the wheels are ALWAYS spinning several times. To boot, that's some really hard plastic and the tread is kinda crappy

I wouldn't trade it for the world, though. The tires are about the only thing I would do differently. Mine is 12 years old, and I'll be swapping mine in another year-ish myself.
Doing chores in the horse barn this morning, I saw this garter snake hanging out in the tack room.

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If his Honda is anything like mine, the damn thing is always trying to race me, and the wheels are ALWAYS spinning several times. To boot, that's some really hard plastic and the tread is kinda crappy

I wouldn't trade it for the world, though. The tires are about the only thing I would do differently. Mine is 12 years old, and I'll be swapping mine in another year-ish myself.
Yup....ours is 11 years old....starts on the first pull pretty much every time. The deck has a little rust, but should last another 10 years! Change the oil yearly and she's good.
Left the outdoor light on last night. These two Luna moths stopped by to visit. A regular sighting in early June.


There is no crows nest up our mast. What do you have to say about that!

Notification from this morning.
Last weekend, finally made it to Legoland. My son loved it!View attachment 152935
No disrespect intended. I hope you had an awesome time with your boy. I know its just me and I'm getting old and don't know what is going on with younger people. Please tell me what is up these days, it just seems like when ever people take a picture they stick their tongue out like its a symbol for something. I know I see it with 20-30 somethings, but now its even the younger kids. Is it supposed to mean something?
No disrespect intended. I hope you had an awesome time with your boy. I know its just me and I'm getting old and don't know what is going on with younger people. Please tell me what is up these days, it just seems like when ever people take a picture they stick their tongue out like its a symbol for something. I know I see it with 20-30 somethings, but now its even the younger kids. Is it supposed to mean something?
No, my four year old does it because he thinks it’s funny. And I’m also too old to know what 20 year olds are doing?
Lunch Break
