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Will they attack you or a smaller kid?
If you fell in the water or tried to mess with them, yes they probably would stand their ground. These guys are used to seeing humans and those are the ones to worry about. The gators you run across in the wild typically run at the sight of the strange, 2 legged, upright walking animal.
@Julian Just read through that list. Chilling. Had a phobia about sharks, now Alligators are a bit concerning.
@Julian Just read through that list. Chilling. Had a phobia about sharks, now Alligators are a bit concerning.
I am more worried about poisonous snakes and bears around here!
You have bears in Florida?
I lived in Orlando for 3 years. We never let our dogs swim in any ponds or rivers. Heard/saw too many stories. I was more concerned with snakes in the yard. I only saw rat snakes around us. I also learned quickly that you do not sit in the grass like you do up North...Fire ants aren't much fun either.
I lived in Orlando for 3 years. We never let our dogs swim in any ponds or rivers. Heard/saw too many stories. I was more concerned with snakes in the yard. I only saw rat snakes around us. I also learned quickly that you do not sit in the grass like you do up North...Fire ants aren't much fun either.
A water moccasin killed 2 dogs in my neighborhood earlier this year. Bears roam freely through the neighborhood every night, panthers, bobcats, wild boar....its a jungle down here!
A water moccasin killed 2 dogs in my neighborhood earlier this year. Bears roam freely through the neighborhood every night, panthers, bobcats, wild boar....its a jungle down here!
& what size firearm you carrying on your hip at all times????
A water moccasin killed 2 dogs in my neighborhood earlier this year. Bears roam freely through the neighborhood every night, panthers, bobcats, wild boar....its a jungle down here!
I’ve lived in SWFL 5 years now and I just recently saw a gator for the first time, at of all places, the Kennedy Space Center. Also finally saw a bobcat a few months ago. Just a few blocks from my house. I’ve only seen black racers and rat snakes so far. Would love to see a cotton mouth (water moccasin) or diamondback (from a distance). I know they’re around because friends have taken pictures of them. No bears reported in our area but there are definitely wild boar. So it’s not like it’s interrupting our daily life, but you always have to be cognizant of it! And whoever mentioned fire ants, I second that. On the water, different story. I’ve seen sea turtles, manatees, dolphins, jelly fish, stingrays all over the place.
I’ve lived in SWFL 5 years now and I just recently saw a gator for the first time, at of all places, the Kennedy Space Center. Also finally saw a bobcat a few months ago. Just a few blocks from my house. I’ve only seen black racers and rat snakes so far. Would love to see a cotton mouth (water moccasin) or diamondback (from a distance). I know they’re around because friends have taken pictures of them. No bears reported in our area but there are definitely wild boar. So it’s not like it’s interrupting our daily life, but you always have to be cognizant of it! And whoever mentioned fire ants, I second that. On the water, different story. I’ve seen sea turtles, manatees, dolphins, jelly fish, stingrays all over the place.
Fire ants are a freaking blast when a big area floods!
No one has mentioned Coyotes. I have yet to see one but they're in the area. In the water we have seen dolphins, manatee, alligators, otters and stingray (with a 2-1/2 ft wingspan; crazy) from the dock. At the sandbar there was easily a couple hundred sting rays; mainly small ones. Snakes are common and brown rabbits with white cotton tail.

An alligator sunbathing is "normally tame" as they're not interested in doing anything. But, I would not bother it and would keep my distance :cool: .
This is a 2017 VX limited with 38 hours on it for sale at my local dealership for $18K out the door with trailer. It’s also the only PWC they currently have in stock. They were about to show it to someone who called while I was there, so it may already be gone. For comparison new ones go for between $15k and $16k OTD excluding the trailer.


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