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Dinner and a Stanley Cup hockey game on the boat last night. Brought the dogs along for their first outing this year. Go Bruins!



My wife and I celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary by participating in a mystery picnic offered through Groupon. Basically a walking scavenger hunt for prepaid food. We did ours in Sausalito but others are available in SF, Sacramento , etc. ended up eating at a park near water and in view of the Golden Gate Bridge and San Francisco. C5F2537B-FB75-40F0-8FA5-D7AD02925879.jpegB80388A8-4FB2-465C-9800-02465DEF2B70.jpegF8D2EB28-99FB-42D9-99FA-D9C9E56D90F4.jpeg
Checked off a bucket list item. Always wanted to have a fire on the beach at night. This was with my kiddos and their friends. The picture was taken in full darkness. This new camera feature on the iPhone is crazy. I didn’t know it could do this with the exposure. 6B090538-514C-4F55-AD56-21F02218F02E.jpegAF00D0D4-0FB9-4982-9F34-816534B39DF7.jpeg
Kids, wear a helmet

Just another tragedy that could have been avoided. 21 year old college student/athlete with a 4.0 GPA but not enough sense to put on a life vest while hanging of the back of a boat.

I’ve offered to give life vests to kids (actually their parents) that I don’t know and have never met who are wading or playing in the water next to my boat, yet no one has ever taken me up on my offer. If the parents don’t care the kids won’t either. Just tragic.
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Wife said she had a physical therapy appointment this morning. A couple of hours later I get a notification from the boat camera...she forgot to turn it off. Boat therapy happens, but I busted her. lol


In the video, she heard me right off and was trying not to laugh, she turned her head at one point, she did have a key and she knew she was busted.

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@zipper , I would be happy if my wife took the boat out unexpectedly and without me. For the last 20 years whenever she wants to go boating or jetskiing, she starts the statement with “We should ...”, sometimes I feel like she is speaking French, “we, we, we”.
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I think a member sucked up a snake once. I’d hate to find that by surprise when clearing out the pump through the clean out plug, especially if it was still alive and biting.
This week I have been working at a plant where a young woman is employed as an apprentice tool and die maker. She is expecting her first child so the guys in her department gave her a baby shower. They presented her with a 'changing table' loaded with the proper 'tools' for her next season of life.View attachment 149234
DW (Dear Wife)picked up a used GoPro & accessory pack for the upcoming Bimini trip. By the looks of it I don’t think that this thing was ever used.
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DW picked up a used GoPro & accessory pack for the upcoming Bimini trip. By the looks of it I don’t think that this thing was ever used.
View attachment 151423View attachment 151424
I finally tried attaching camera to my dog. Got plenty of video from her perspective. I’ll post screen shot when I sort through footage. Like my GoPro. Night photography is a plus.
I finally tried attaching camera to my dog. Got plenty of video from her perspective. I’ll post screen shot when I sort through footage. Like my GoPro. Night photography is a plus.
Photos from GoPro that my dog shot!


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I thumb through these posts, and I have realized almost everyone has a more exciting life than I do. I'm 47, work full time, working on my Masters Degree, have a daughter in dance, and spend hours and hours maintaining the yard. I have become old somehow. WTF?

Where does everyone find the time or energy?
I thumb through these posts, and I have realized almost everyone has a more exciting life than I do. I'm 47, work full time, working on my Masters Degree, have a daughter in dance, and spend hours and hours maintaining the yard. I have become old somehow. WTF?

Where does everyone find the time or energy?

I saw this guy in front of me and snapped a picture.

Not sure exactly what is meant by “Recycle your Animals”, but my imagination is having a blast with the possibilities :)