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I love my jade X. But that also likely is due to the awesome dw link suspension. My other bike is a Fuel EX from 2018 and be with an evol which I upgraded to a dpx2. Jade x wins hands down.

My enduro, cannondale Jekyll, has a single pivot suspension so it’s nothing fancy like my Santa Cruz VPP. I’m thinking the ultimate upgrade would be the fox dhx2 with a fox 38. But this is reaching $2k! My friend has the same cannondale as me and he put the fox x2. He said “night and day difference”. He was going to put the fox 38 but ended up buying a DH bike and retiring the Jekyll to trails.
My enduro, cannondale Jekyll, has a single pivot suspension so it’s nothing fancy like my Santa Cruz VPP. I’m thinking the ultimate upgrade would be the fox dhx2 with a fox 38. But this is reaching $2k! My friend has the same cannondale as me and he put the fox x2. He said “night and day difference”. He was going to put the fox 38 but ended up buying a DH bike and retiring the Jekyll to trails.
I've ridden my buddy's Ripmo with a dhx2 and it is also very very nice.
My youngest graduated today. Couldn't be in RI for it but watched live. Extremely proud of her. She is a go-getter like her ol man
She got her bachelor's degree in 3 years and already finished her first year in grad school. She is going for her doctorate in physical therapy.
She had to wait till this year to actually get her bachelor's degree
My youngest graduated today. Couldn't be in RI for it but watched live. Extremely proud of her. She is a go-getter like her ol man
She got her bachelor's degree in 3 years and already finished her first year in grad school. She is going for her doctorate in physical therapy.
She had to wait till this year to actually get her bachelor's degree
Tell your daughter congratulations [flag]
Kids got done tubing so I stopped & while pulling them in I noticed an extra rope at the rear of the boat. Someone had thrown out their ski rope & I found it, so I pulled on it and it was stuck in the port side jet. I pulled the plug but couldn’t feel it around the shaft or impeller but after feeling around some more I grabbed it and traced it back to the intake grate. It had gotten wedged in the grate so I took what was coming from under the boat and wound it up & tossed it in the clean out tray, closed the tow valve and headed in. Got home and had to push it out with a flathead screwdriver and all is good? My question to the senior members @Julian, @zipper, @Scottintexas, @buckbuck, @biffdotorg, & any others, is this technically sucking up a rope or does it have to be wrapped around the shaft???

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@Babin Farms , IMHO personal and professional, that shit counts! It doesn’t have to wrap around the shaft or be your rope, it’s just harder to remove and burns a little more when it wraps around the shaft or the rope is your own.
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@Babin Farms , IMHO personal and professional opinion, that shit counts! It doesn’t have to wrap around the shaft or be your rope, it’s just harder to remove and burns a little more when it wraps around the shaft or the rope is your own.
Might be updating the profile then...
For sure a WTF moment.
It got sucked, just not up and you got lucky.;) I defer to admin. and the rulebook for earning points.
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Kids got done tubing so I stopped & while pulling them in I noticed an extra rope at the rear of the boat. Someone had thrown out their ski rope & I found it, so I pulled on it and it was stuck in the port side jet. I pulled the plug but couldn’t feel it around the shaft or impeller but after feeling around some more I grabbed it and traced it back to the intake grate. It had gotten wedged in the grate so I took what was coming from under the boat and wound it up & tossed it in the clean out tray, closed the tow valve and headed in. Got home and had to push it out with a flathead screwdriver and all is good? My question to the senior members @Julian, @zipper, @Scottintexas, @buckbuck, @biffdotorg, & any others, is this technically sucking up a rope or does it have to be wrapped around the shaft???

View attachment 151019View attachment 151020
That counts in my book!
Kids got done tubing so I stopped & while pulling them in I noticed an extra rope at the rear of the boat. Someone had thrown out their ski rope & I found it, so I pulled on it and it was stuck in the port side jet. I pulled the plug but couldn’t feel it around the shaft or impeller but after feeling around some more I grabbed it and traced it back to the intake grate. It had gotten wedged in the grate so I took what was coming from under the boat and wound it up & tossed it in the clean out tray, closed the tow valve and headed in. Got home and had to push it out with a flathead screwdriver and all is good? My question to the senior members @Julian, @zipper, @Scottintexas, @buckbuck, @biffdotorg, & any others, is this technically sucking up a rope or does it have to be wrapped around the shaft???

View attachment 151019View attachment 151020
@Babin Farms , IMHO personal and professional opinion, that shit counts! It doesn’t have to wrap around the shaft or be your rope, it’s just harder to remove and burns a little more when it wraps around the shaft or the rope is your own.
I do not know about the points however I did suck up a line today and it did wrap around the axle needless to say it put a damper on our boating. Fortunately my neighbor came to the rescue and got under the boat and cut it off [flag]
A picture taken from way out on the wave attenuating (breakwater) dock that protects the marina from heavy wave action. A panorama of the Marina last night.


And an "Ussie" while we were out there.

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My question to the senior members @Julian, @zipper, @Scottintexas, @buckbuck, @biffdotorg, & any others, is this technically sucking up a rope or does it have to be wrapped around the shaft??
No Stinkin' Way!
Man up and go do it the right way. I mean, really, did you even consider having to pull the pump?! How long were you under the boat? Did a bead of sweat appear on your forehead?
I am offended this was even brought to our attention.

Still ropeless :(, but did pick up a piece of pine bark that got wedged. Had to return back to the dock to pry it loose. :) Does that count? Sorry, no pics to prove though...:(
Still ropeless :(, but did pick up a piece of pine bark that got wedged. Had to return back to the dock to pry it loose. :) Does that count? Sorry, no pics to prove though...:(

Sorry no, nice try, clearly states "rope". lol
