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After working in the blueberry field today we went out to the boat tonight to install the furling genoa foresail, the sun shades over the big portlights and have dinner on the boat for the first time this season. Beautiful glassy evening.

@zipper I am going to be In Burlington in August for almost a week on business, not sure how close that it to you. Was thinking about towing the boat and making an 8 day by myself trip.
The sailboat is in a marina at the Burlington waterfront. We live about 30 mins. away.
At the soccer fields. Resulted in shrieking adults and delighted kids.
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Bahhh! It's only a garter snake. They are not aggressive unless provoked/chased. Now this little tail shaking milksnake wants a piece of me. I have seen a couple of big 2'-3' long Milksnakes on the farm over the last 30 years. Very aggressive.

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Yeah, that’ll freak everyone out. It’s a non venomous yellow rat snake though. Good pest control. Hope they let him go on his way.
Yes, it decided that the sport of sunning had suddenly become too dangerous and retreated into the bushes. Plenty of garter snakes around but they still cause a stir every time they are spotted.
Someone whose completely oblivious to the current boat market just up and left this classic gem of a project boat on the curb across from our shop. I mean, I'm tempted to take it home and flip it.
Someone whose completely oblivious to the current boat market just up and left this classic gem of a project boat on the curb across from our shop. I mean, I'm tempted to take it home and flip it.
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That is a dumpster, a Nautidump 160...not a "classic gem" of a boat. LOL Traffic cone and all. Do you have that on camera, like the guy pissing on your trailer? I like the "hamster wheel", mill water wheel, on your sign.
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That is a dumpster, a Nautidump 160...not a "classic gem" of a boat. LOL Traffic cone and all. Do you have that on camera, like the guy pissing on your trailer?
The eye sees what it wants to see... ? It might not come thru in the pictures, but the darker accent color is metal flake. It's pretty much the same color scheme as @haknslash's Moomba... The rear deck rails are wood, probably teak. I was going ask your advice on replicating or restoring them. And check it that bitchin 20% tint... DAAAMN! ?

You know the saying, "Another man's trash is... another man's pile of garbage."

The thoughtfulness of the traffic cone is the perfect irony. Lol!

Pretty sure this was it Monday evening at 10:17pm
Not exactly a clear shot. It's the only truck and trailer that passes by that night.

I like the "hamster wheel", mill water wheel, on your sign.
Thanks! I thought it brought a little nostalgic vibe to it. It's about time to replace the signage, it's looking pretty faded.
Where's @Betik ???

Have you played "Red Rover, Red Rover" at the DMZ yet or are you kick'n it Gangnam style ?


as I sit here a chuckle to myself watching the video I can't think which one is better,

Having Ajax be the little kid break dancing (is that what they still call it ??) next to betik in the lawn chair
Betik getting a bunch of those Southies together, "look, I'm telling you it works, this is proven technology, we'll build a giant horse, then some of us will hide inside, push it to the DMZ as a gift and that night when we're in the north while they're sleeping, we'll sneak out and capture the north"
