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    free hit counter

Show us what you see!!!

Scenario A. Semi rear-ended the boat which slipped up to the truck.
Scenario B. Someone slowed down really fast in front of tow truck, boat was maybe not secure and jumped on truck. Resulting mess caused a chain event. Semi hit trailer, maybe some one hit semi... etc etc.

Thoughts? I'm thinking A.
Scenario A. Semi rear-ended the boat which slipped up to the truck.
Scenario B. Someone slowed down really fast in front of tow truck, boat was maybe not secure and jumped on truck. Resulting mess caused a chain event. Semi hit trailer, maybe some one hit semi... etc etc.

Thoughts? I'm thinking A.
The front of the truck looks damaged. Im betting he tapped someone else, then the semi slammed him.
The front of the truck looks damaged. Im betting he tapped someone else, then the semi slammed him.
good catch. So more like B
Scenario A. Semi rear-ended the boat which slipped up to the truck.
Scenario B. Someone slowed down really fast in front of tow truck, boat was maybe not secure and jumped on truck. Resulting mess caused a chain event. Semi hit trailer, maybe some one hit semi... etc etc.

Thoughts? I'm thinking A.
I like B, but you forgot the part about the cell phone. The truck seems to be a commercial hauler (assuming as much because of the magnet advertising on the side door). So commercial boat hauler looks down at cell phone for too long, hits minivan, slams on breaks only to be rear ended by semi truck. Verizon to blame for the whole mess! :)
Great food and custard !!

ID'd by a Floridian?!?!?!?!?!

See guys, I told you it was a cult compound! ?

I really should be stopping by there today, Tiramisu is the flavor of the day!
ID'd by a Floridian?!?!?!?!?!

See guys, I told you it was a cult compound! ?

I really should be stopping by there today, Tiramisu is the flavor of the day!

ACTUALLY....Port Washington, Wi :winkingthumbsup"

Firmly transplanted here, BUT will travel for SNOW !
I put the lawn mowers on a fresh pasture today. They are happy with the list of greens on the menu.

Finished up a little project I’ve been working on, just in time for beach season. Picked up the Jewls custom grill leg for the boat, and figured why not find out a way to attach it to the truck. Didn’t come out as pretty as I wanted (I’m no metalworker), but seems functional. Looking forward to giving it a go this weekend.

@zipper How do you harvest your high bush blueberries? I’m looking for a hand tool suggestion. I presume the “rake-dustpan” tool used for low bushes wont work.


The blueberry bushes have started to flower. Before they reach "full bloom" and the field is full of bumble bees we fertilized the field today. Spread 1900# by hand. Not afraid of the bees, never been stung doing it, we just don't like to interfere with pollination.

View attachment 150369

A lot of field work ahead of the 2021 season.

View attachment 150370

Getting it done before the temp. goes to 90° later this week.
@zipper How do you harvest your high bush blueberries? I’m looking for a hand tool suggestion. I presume the “rake-dustpan” tool used for low bushes wont work.


Low bush rakes don't work. The easiest way is to strap a picking bucket around your neck/shoulder about chest level and pick with two hands. We use these and pre covid lend them out to our pick your own customers to use while picking. They love them and were bummed last year when we did not offer them for picking.


A little spider activity on the boat last night set off the camera. Time to use Spider Away.

Tried out my new seasucker bike rack. I was nervous but it held strong!!!CE59C130-4636-42EC-B423-024171171329.jpeg
Tried out my new seasucker bike rack. I was nervous but it held strong!!!View attachment 150859
View attachment 150860

Judging by your license plate frame, your bike is a ripmo? Haha.

also howdo you like that dvo coil? My enduro bike has the dps evol and I’m thinking to set it up for DH and put coils. But at the same time I’m trying to behave and leave my savings alone!
Judging by your license plate frame, your bike is a ripmo? Haha.

also howdo you like that dvo coil? My enduro bike has the dps evol and I’m thinking to set it up for DH and put coils. But at the same time I’m trying to behave and leave my savings alone!
I love my jade X. But that also likely is due to the awesome dw link suspension. My other bike is a Fuel EX from 2018 and be with an evol which I upgraded to a dpx2. Jade x wins hands down.