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Show us what you see!!!

At The gun club this morning, looked down and saw this
Walked around it, looked up and saw this


Swallows nest with babies still there chirping,

One question and one comment
First your garage looks like mine however you do have a car in it. Is that a jeep and what model Want one however they are not powerful enough to pool my 25 ft AS. [flag]
One question and one comment
First your garage looks like mine however you do have a car in it. Is that a jeep and what model Want one however they are not powerful enough to pool my 25 ft AS. [flag]
Thanks, I only pulled it in to get it out of the sun to wax it, ha! It’s a Gladiator. I have the 6 speed manual so my tow capacity is only 4,000. The Max Tow trim 8 speed AT can pull 7,600. I didn’t get it to tow with it though. Theoretically it’s enough to pull my SX190 (3,000 dry on trailer) but I haven’t tried it. The real issue is the pay load. I think the GVWR is 5,800. Well, the curb weight is like 4,700. So there ya go. Knock off 3-400 for tongue weight and you can see how that works. But I ran it on the trails at Yucca Pens WMA last weekend which is what I got it for, hence the need to wash all the dust off this weekend.14E23A88-33EE-4EF4-9856-596066BB3341.jpeg
Thanks, I only pulled it in to get it out of the sun to wax it, ha! It’s a Gladiator. I have the 6 speed manual so my tow capacity is only 4,000. The Max Tow trim 8 speed AT can pull 7,600. I didn’t get it to tow with it though. Theoretically it’s enough to pull my SX190 (3,000 dry on trailer) but I haven’t tried it. The real issue is the pay load. I think the GVWR is 5,800. Well, the curb weight is like 4,700. So there ya go. Knock off 3-400 for tongue weight and you can see how that works. But I ran it on the trails at Yucca Pens WMA last weekend which is what I got it for, hence the need to wash all the dust off this weekend.View attachment 150253
Thank it is very nice looking however not big enough [flag]


Some of what I saw at the Marina today and one I can watch from the house.

Cleaning day, scrubbing the foredeck, swim platform and everything in between.


Our neighbor the Coast Guard heading out on patrol just outside the marinas' wave attenuating dock.


And the view from the boat of the fuel/pumpout dock and the Burlington Waterfront looking South, viewed as I type this post from home.

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First launch of the season..didn't have all the ballast setup and water was 51F, but still had fun. Slingshot Coaster from Transom Watersports.

The blueberry bushes have started to flower. Before they reach "full bloom" and the field is full of bumble bees we fertilized the field today. Spread 1900# by hand. Not afraid of the bees, never been stung doing it, we just don't like to interfere with pollination.


A lot of field work ahead of the 2021 season.


Getting it done before the temp. goes to 90° later this week.