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Man, I have a lot of work to do to catch up with you in coaching my kids!
We did work on the new trailer today, cutting and drilling steel, and doing some electric work, my middle daughter is getting pretty handy but nowhere near to being a servicewoman changing my plugs, yet!

if I may ask, why are the bolts mounted upwards ? I suppose there must some other reason aside from wanting to scratch the bottom of your feet.
if I may ask, why are the bolts mounted upwards ? I suppose there must some other reason aside from wanting to scratch the bottom of your feet.
Good question. There are large fender bolts sticking out under the brackets to which the guide poles are mounted, and I wanted to have easier access in case I need to move the guides (if need to adjust at the ramp); also easier to keep an eye if anything moves, and to spray with corrosion protection (my low-level logic at work, lol). Besides, this trailer has several cross members braced that way, so it doesn't stick out as much as a whole.


I'm almost done, and starting to like this trailer. It is at least twice as heavy as the Shorland'r but very sturdy. I changed the tires (Endurance) and run on 65psi now, which should be safer on NJ roads. Now I just need to test the electric (redid tail light connectors in the harness) and install conspicuity tape/stickers.

Im patiently waiting for reasonable boating temperatures in NY... Actually i'm having too much fun to really care lol the boat maybe will gather more dust this year now that i'm biking the big stuff.

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Are you doubling that? Dayuuuumn
Im patiently waiting for reasonable boating temperatures in NY... Actually i'm having too much fun to really care lol the boat maybe will gather more dust this year now that i'm biking the big stuff.

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Lord I miss those days.. But because of those days I have massive bulging discs right now. Wow I am getting old.
Are you doubling that? Dayuuuumn

Haha my 2020 Santa Cruz Tallboy C R has got 120mm rear travel and pops crazy off jumps. I am really impressed with the santa cruz VPP suspension because I was keeping up with downhill bikes and sending it down crazy rocky sections. This bike has become my go-to trail bike and I want to upgrade the wheelset, longer dropper, and shimano xt brakes. Then sell my cannondale jekyll and get a downhill bike. But there's some complications because my gf thinks the santa cruz will be hers... :rolleyes:
I'm already a mess with my shoulder and back. I can't stop though haha
I am waiting to see if I need spinal surgery to remove the bulging disc, and my wife walked behind me the other day as I was laying on the couch and said "Why the hell are you looking at dirt-bikes? What is the matter with you?".. Uh, because I want another one. And obviously a lot of hits to the head. Duh.

Most of my damage was done by motocross bikes and 4 wheelers, but man was it fun. I will keep looking until I find some more. lol

Keep going while you can..
Workmanship of a 3rd year apprentice that has been with me lately. I had to ding him on the radius of his wire bends being too tight.
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I have some switches I want to have re-wired...could be a great learning experience for an Apprentice.
Wow.....just wow! Didn't even mount the transducer anywhere close to the right height! Do you think he just stuck the excess line in the drain hole to get it out of the way more?
I didn’t even think of that. I hope the boat owner did this “work” and not the shop the boat was sitting in.
Went out yesterday (Mom's Day). Beautiful weather. Pics of boats hanging at the sandbars.



Coming back...same place as above in opposite direction.
FYI...One of the best mods I did was adding dock lights. You can see in this picture they really do light up the markers well enough I rarely use my spot light. Advise anyone to get these if you deal with seeing/finding these markers at night.

FYI...One of the best mods I did was adding dock lights. You can see in this picture they really do light up the markers well enough I rarely use my spot light. Advise anyone to get these if you deal with seeing/finding these markers at night.

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Hate those things!! As long as you are NOT driving and leaving them on the entire time. I cant tell you how many times my night vision is destroyed on the water by some clown driving with their docking lights on or shining a spot light at a vessel. When navigating a 75' to 106' boat through skinny water you cant afford to go blind for 2 minutes, although our military style night vision binocs help out when that happens. A small (palm size) flashlight is all you need to light up markers....little blips of light to confirm your course compared to the marker.
Mixing up a small batch of the good stuff. Epifanes gloss 2-part polyurethane.


Now to just keep the dog hair out of it.
Somebody’s getting high tonight?

The project is set up in the garage. We can't have the smell in the house. I will check it frequently though. I am hooked on what it can do for a nice piece of wood. Some on a FB diy group have refered to that visual effect as "crack", but maybe it is all in the fumes. And I have two more coats to do. ;)