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Just vibrated loose over 11 seasons of use. I put blue loctite on the replacement screws which fit perfectly.
Are you having any trouble getting QO snap in breakers right now?
My shop told me Chicago land is weeks out from having single pole 20 amp QOB breakers. We are scrounging where ever we can right now. Not sure about the snap in ones.
A boat shop near the hotel we stayed at in Redding while on a Waverunner adventure trip. In context (that is a full lot of boats) their moto is not consistent with reality. I was there for three days and never saw them open. I suspect they make the bulk of their income on storage fees.

They did have a few steel hulled jet Boats on the lot. Here are a few pics of the one I could see best.
That right there is ALL PRO. :D Didn't event trim the zip tie.
The mail I just saw which came in while I was away on a multi day Waverunner trip. Makes me wonder how many people were injured in related incidents before yamaha issued a recall. At the same time, I’m glad Yamaha issued a recall this time around unlike them doing nothing for owners of 2010 240s with bad oil coolers or 2014 and 2015 240 owners whose engines had a timing chain failure.
Newark Bay, NJ, last night.
I love that place and it's industrial grit. But yes, it is a superfund site, it's pretty bad as far as environmental contamination albeit huge progress has been made over the last ten-twenty years.

The little one changed the spark pkugs today!

The little one changed the spark pkugs today!

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Man, I have a lot of work to do to catch up with you in coaching my kids!

We did work on the new trailer today, cutting and drilling steel, and doing some electric work, my middle daughter is getting pretty handy but nowhere near to being a servicewoman changing my plugs, yet!
