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She has a heritages disc which resulted in paralysis of her back legs. On meds now but she is hurting and we have made the decision to stop that. I’m in contact with a home euthanasia service now, most of the brick and mortar pet clinics around me don’t allow the pet’s owners to be present / in the room when their pet is ... you know.

this is tmi, but it’s what i saw/found today when emptying the boat out in preparing to maintain, repair and prepare it for the summer, working on the boat is often therapeutic for me.

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a new vest purchased for my dog a few months ago. The only water that has touched it so far has been a tear. Didn’t get much done on the boat after i found it.
I am so sorry @Ronnie. I had to make the same call on pets, and my father. Never easy. My wife says I will need counseling and therapy if anything were to happen to my 2 current dogs. Hang in there, bud. Its for the best

She has a heritages disc which resulted in paralysis of her back legs. On meds now but she is hurting and we have made the decision to stop that. I’m in contact with a home euthanasia service now, most of the brick and mortar pet clinics around me don’t allow the pet’s owners to be present / in the room when their pet is ... you know.

this is tmi, but it’s what i saw/found today when emptying the boat out in preparing to maintain, repair and prepare it for the summer, working on the boat is often therapeutic for me.

View attachment 148312

a new vest purchased for my dog a few months ago. The only water that has touched it so far has been a tear. Didn’t get much done on the boat after i found it.
I'm sorry to hear that, my wife had a dachshund growing up that had arthrtis that they had to scrape it's vertabrae to give it movement again,

It's tough but you have to do what's best for them, my coworker was able to have them come to his house also, it was as good as it could be,

Prayers for your family to find peace during this hard time
My daughter’s wedding rehearsal- the priest’s dog took a liking to her!9C000281-00B0-4EBC-A17A-BB446E7B8AC8.jpeg
She has a herniated disc which resulted in paralysis of her back legs. On meds now but she is hurting and we have made the decision to stop that. I’m in contact with a home euthanasia service now, most of the brick and mortar pet clinics around me don’t allow the pet’s owners to be present / in the room when their pet is ... you know.

this is tmi, but it’s what i saw/found today when emptying the boat out in preparing to maintain, repair and prepare it for the summer, working on the boat is often therapeutic for me.

a new vest purchased for my dog a few months ago. The only water that has touched it so far has been a tear. Didn’t get much done on the boat after i found it.
Feelin for ya man. I have a 15 yr old dog I'm cherishing everyday I have left with him!
Sorry to hear about your dog Ronnie. We put our Pawley girl down two years ago and I still think about her every day. When I think of heaven its walking in to a room and being greeted by all the loving dogs and cats we have had in our lives.
So sorry about your pup. My pup is 15 and I feel the dread of this moment arriving soon. /brohug
Please, no more goodbye dog talk, my wounds are still very fresh... ?
It'll be me they talk about if I don't slow down......

My sympathies, of course......

On a brighter note,,,,,,,,,Broke my high score again today.......

My daughter's first keeper striper!
She brought home the dinner.

It does not get any fresher...!

One of my underwater fish light stopped working. Ran it down to Port Charlotte to have it repaired. Impressive store...

Nice Tesla too!
Uncle @Betik might need to up his game,

A friend at the club gave my youngest a ride in his '67 vette


And her first game of pool

Lake St. Clair, Anchor Bay 83 degrees and the St. Clair River North Branch.20210502_161112.jpg20210502_155752.jpg20210502_155659.jpg
@Scottintexas judging from how she rides the ski, I think she ja ready for motorcycle and I do have siting in the garage .....
Went down to the Shipyard yesterday. I put the 3 batteries back in, Its alive! We splash on the 13th, less than 2 weeks away. I put the plug back in the hot water heater, so the water system is ready. Willow measured yardage for the new headliner in the V berth. Next trip out I will install the NavPod/instruments and the folding steering wheel at the helm.


I also rekindled the Nav station refit. I did not like how it was set up when we bought her 3 yers ago. And I did not like the 3 different colors of the Faux Mahogany plywood, the Black cherry heartwood and the Black cherry sapwood, I installed and how they clashed. So I am making a new Black Cherry panel to mount all the radios, barometer, AC panel and DC panel etc. It is a pretty piece of Cherry that I cut down 15 years ago, sliced it up on the Woodmizer sawmill and let it air dry in the Barn since. Was saving it for the house, but it will stand out in the interior of the Beneteau. I will install the panel once we are in the water and in our slip. It will take me a while to install the DC panel with it's 20 circuits.
This is what it looks like now.


And here is the proposed panel after it's 3rd coat of epoxy. Ready for sanding smooth and the the 3 coats of Epifanes gloss 2-pt. polyurethane.


I was glad to see that Bluesea includes the hole cutout data on their website for both our AC and DC power panels.

Running out of woodworking projects on the boat. I am gonna have to tear something else apart.