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@Babin Farms , my local hardware stores carry the larger longer screws but not the smallest ones. My main purpose of going to west marine was to buy some Bimini top hardware, unfortunately all they had were the screws.
You don't have a local hardware store nearby that has stuff like that? Even a Home Depot or Lowes should have SS screws like what you need.

When it comes to S.S. hardware, my local Ace or Aubuchon hardware does not sell much for marine use. They won't have phillips head wood screws. They will have sheet metal screws, but not the same thing. I have had to order 316 S.S. phillips head wood screws from Fastenere.

Nearly 200 screws holding the 316 S.S. piano hinges to the wooden panels.
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Why were these needed?
I've seen the same GemLux logo'd hardware on my boat, but it looks like they aren't sold with screws. I guess screws are up to the boat manufacture.

Stainless Steel Marine Boat Hinges
A few fell out of the hinges on my head compartment door. They are also used on the ski locker hatch.
Me walking the 6 dogs. Beautiful 80° here. Come visit before it gets too hot. :cool:

This week I have been working at a plant where a young woman is employed as an apprentice tool and die maker. She is expecting her first child so the guys in her department gave her a baby shower. They presented her with a 'changing table' loaded with the proper 'tools' for her next season of life.20210507_131935 (1).jpg
Lots of rain uncovered yet another large sinkhole. It's about 5ft in diameter and 12ft deep. This one is a bit closer to the house than the others so it makes me a bit nervous...

I just mowed 3 weeks ago with my 1500lb tractor so I'm pretty glad it didn't come out from under me then.

I maintain a collection of stainless screws bolts washers etc.... came in handy for folks during the infamous 2017 Bimini crossing:

I have to state for the record that I did not borrow a single screw from @Julian, as @Bruce was kind of enough to give me duck tape ?
I maintain a collection of stainless screws bolts washers etc.... came in handy for folks during the infamous 2017 Bimini crossing:

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If you paid even close to west marine prices, you have a small fortune in that container. I remember the sticker shock I experienced when I first started buying SS hardware.
Workmanship of a 3rd year apprentice that has been with me lately. I had to ding him on the radius of his wire bends being too tight
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Looks good, feeders are definitely a little tight on the radius. Are you having any trouble getting QO snap in breakers right now? Our suppliers seem to have issues getting panels, meter pedestals and breakers among other materials right now. We’ve been using pretty much any brand we can get ahold of at this point.