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Show us what you see!!!

Relaxing day on the lake!20210807_155101.jpg20210807_154718.jpg
Got me my first tattoo. Chain ring for my passion for mountain biking. Compass for my love of boating. And the cardinal points are the initials of my ladies.
Entering our 5th week open in the organic U-pick. Good crop with more to ripen. The cool weather for the last couple of weeks has extended the season of lately which has been 4 weeks. It's cutting into our boating.


So here I am taking the above picture, Outstanding in my field, checking on the boat alot. From all angles. lol


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This could get addicting, pull the handle, hear the "clunk, clunk, ding" and you've made another shell,

Did my first 50 yesterday to make sure they shot ok and now I'm into mass production
Nice Job THOR aka @Murf'n'surf . Using the hammer on that JooJoo. Thanks for keeping it real. :winkingthumbsup"
We recently added to the family. Presenting our 9 week old weimaraner pup Rylee. She's a gorgeous dog with a sweet personality.
Hopefully I good boat dog ?
Yeah that needs to come off :rolleyes:
We went out for a sunset sail tonight with some friends. Beautiful weather and wind for sailing.


Loving the speed of this boat even with less than perfect mainsail trim. I know we could go faster with the mainsheet and traveler pulled in. But the admiral likes it this way. 6kts s.o.g with 9 kts of wind.

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Millenium Force
5 minute wait times everywhere

Got me my first tattoo. Chain ring for my passion for mountain biking. Compass for my love of boating. And the cardinal points are the initials of my ladies.

I have quite a few tattoos that demonstrate my passion for mountain biking. But mine all occurred naturally.. while riding.. :dead:
My wife and I currently have a three step plan:

1) build home
2) buy boat
3) retire

They finally put in the footers and delivered the block for the insulated crawl space late last week. The sooner the house is done, the sooner we get our next boat!

footer 1.jpg

Park is not full. here for two days
Out at the boat tonight for another sunset and dinner.

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You need to start a build thread. :winkingthumbsup"
My wife and I currently have a three step plan:

1) build home
2) buy boat
3) retire

They finally put in the footers and delivered the block for the insulated crawl space late last week. The sooner the house is done, the sooner we get our next boat!

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