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Not the place I'm thinking of, but dang sure looks the same....barn, house and road all look the same.It is on Powell Road south of Crystal Springs in Garland County. Would give you the address if I knew it. But it is where Meyer Creek crosses Powell Road.
Ain't it just a TAD bit HIGH off the water ? Like 8 feet or more too high ?I don't understand what is wrong with that picture? It looks like the boat is on the lift correctly to me, but it's hard to tell with just that one pic.....
@MikeyL do you also have a house on Lake Murray besides the one in Georgia or are you just visiting our wonderful lake?This was DIFFICULT to wake up to this am on beautiful Lake Murray, SC ...........
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I am just visiting. An incredibly beautiful lake. Water far clearer and cleaner than Oconee.@MikeyL do you also have a house on Lake Murray besides the one in Georgia or are you just visiting our wonderful lake?
Nice, enjoy your friends and your time on Lake Murray.I am just visiting. An incredibly beautiful lake. Water far clearer and cleaner than Oconee.
We are out on Shull Island, facing the BIG WATER view of this incredible body of water.
3 couples that love getting together, enjoying each other's company, watchin' me fish and not catch any fish ..............
You get the idea.
Sitting in Miami having lunch and I look up and see...... Bimini!!!!
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