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Wake up! It's going to be beautiful weather for boating today.

The toy collection keeps growing!

UTV’s are normally stored in the garage, but are on the trailer at the left for now. Kayaks are stored on the rack at the back. This 2000 Precision 21 sailboat followed me home on Wednesday. Still have room in driveway for the future jetboat!


When I get the new tarp for the sailboat, we will win the contest for the most tarps in the neighborhood!

My daughter got her JROTC uniform today. Monday she gets her name tag.
14 yrs old. They grow up so fast.
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My daughter was the same age when she started Navy ROTC in high school. The Master Sergeant who worked the most closely with the kids was phenomena! Hope she has lot of great memories of the program once she is done. LOL, one thing I remember after almost 15 years is getting up early for the pre-school drills. :)
Beach day, finally some sunny weather.

Still on track for a midnight wind/rain storm.
As Capt. Ron once said "It's just a little squall, they come on you fast, and they leave you fast"

Wife and I currently staying at Amelia Island thru Thursdsay. Gonna be interesting. Then we head to isle of palms. My vacation planning needs some help.
Cleaning day. Getting her ready for sale.

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We faired the storm well as the hurricane stayed further west in the gulf that was originally expected, just some wind and rain (needed) but now I need to blow down my pool as it’s at the top of the coping. Since work is closed, I’m dabbling with breakfast cooking. Good thing I am never home for breakfast or I would be 400lbs. 3 eggs, sharp cheddar and a balsamic glazed kielbasa with hot sauce.
WOW, all I can say. Breaks my heart seeing all those sticks going under the bridge.

Wonder how JBP faired? Wasn't this hitting close to them?
Close but outside the path and should have done very well through the outer western bands.