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We're supposed to get that mess in NC. I used to LOVE to go out and drive around in the peak of that stuff. Now I'm like eff that I don't want that mess on my truck. We went grocery shopping earlier in the week for our next weeks groceries, and I went to the gym as usual first thing this morning. So my truck is in the garage and won't leave until this mess melts and then dries out. Hopefully by Monday it'll all be gone.
Atlanta this morning.


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Looks like about 4-5” thus far in North AL, and it’s still coming down. Our area officials have deemed roads impassable. But we didn’t plan on leaving anyway. Stocked up on meat and veggies for the freezer last week, currently baking cornbread, and we’ll be baking a couple loaves of fresh sourdough this afternoon. I’m set and ready for the area to overreact to scope as usual.

Looks like about 4-5” thus far in North AL, and it’s still coming down. Our area officials have deemed roads impassable. But we didn’t plan on leaving anyway. Stocked up on meat and veggies for the freezer last week, currently baking cornbread, and we’ll be baking a couple loaves of fresh sourdough this afternoon. I’m set and ready for the area to overreact to scope as usual.

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I don't know if I love or hate that Buffalo has already beaten the snow fear out of me. I think I drove to work with more than this on the ground Tuesday morning :D.


With that said, we closed schools in May because of heat. It was 83deg and high humidity (65%) that day. All in what you get used to I suppose :D
I don't know if I love or hate that Buffalo has already beaten the snow fear out of me. I think I drove to work with more than this on the ground Tuesday morning :D.

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With that said, we closed schools in May because of heat. It was 83deg and high humidity (65%) that day. All in what you get used to I suppose :D
83 & 65% humidity is just an average Tuesday in May here. I wish they closed things in AL for heat.