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Tandem Waterski from Tower


Jetboaters Lieutenant
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Boca Raton / Sebring, FL
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This summer we had two of the more advanced skiers in our troop want to waterski tandem. We tied two ski ropes to the sides of the tower, and all worked well.

I was wondering if anyone had some ideas for a more permanent solution? It doesn't seem like there are any aftermarket tow-points readily available for towers. The only thing I can think of would be to buy something like this: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000Y84GQC...UTF8&colid=3ARUJ8NU68PN8&coliid=IRYY3LTVC4139 but im not tcrazy about drilling holes in the tower... Would love to see some solution with a clamp on style tow-point.

Any ideas?
Any reason why you can't attach both ropes to the same tow point? That's what we always did.

Agree with Yamahaforme....why not just attach both to the same tow point?
While they are excellent skiers (started at age of 5), they are only 11 and I like having the ropes as far apart as necessary so they dont accidentally "knock" each other while pulling them up.
I tandem slalom skied several times with a buddy of mine. We attached both ropes to the tower point. One at 55' out and the other at 70' out. We had a blast criss crossing back and forth. I was usually the long rope and would hold it high as he passed under. The spray from him crossing in front of me almost knocked me down until I got used to it. It is a lot of fun.
Hmm didn't think about stern cleats... will have to see if they are high enough above the water...
I have use the stern cleats and tow point all at the same time without any issue.
We always put both ropes on the tower. The kids controlled the skis/wakeboards good enough to stay away from each other. I tried the different length ropes one time. I didn't like that because I was afraid one kid would get the other kid with the rope or because they would end up in a line and if the first one went down the second one may him.
I tried the different length ropes one time. I didn't like that because I was afraid one kid would get the other kid with the rope or because they would end up in a line and if the first one went down the second one may him.


Also, I don't think I would let them ski tandem if I didn't trust that they can steer clear of each other. We had 5 kids up behind a boat once, and they were all towed from the same point.
Where's the pictures, Yamahaforme? Most I have seen is 3.
multi ski.jpg

That's me in the middle!

Actually, I was about 10, almost 35 years ago. I can try and dig out the slide projector, if you want to come over. :thumbsup:

We did three slalom at a time.

Anybody for fish stories, while we are at it. :p