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The official "What did you do to your jet boat today" thread.

Pulled and checked the strainers. Tightenend misc screws and hardware. Lifted the tank hatch to check hoses clamps etc. hoping to get out this weekend. So sick of rainy weekends.
Not a good weekend for boating so I decided to give my boat a MUCH needed deep, thorough cleaning since I haven't gave her a good bath all season. Been too busy enjoying the boat on the water lol.

She's all nice and clean now :thumbsup:.


Scrubbed all the SeaDek with a brush and Simple Green...


Of course as I'm drying the boat off thunder starts to rumble in the background. Just got her back in the garage before the bottom feel out. Phew!

@Bill D
How did you schedule that appointment. I want to set mine up next.
IMG_0966.JPG Pulled the pump after a Sunday ended too soon.
No pictures, but I brought the boat home from a week long vacation in Myrtle Beach. Now I need to clean it thoroughly!
Kids went to the gym...

And the aquarium (two huge manatee in the water)...
This is honestly one of the best mods I have done. Cost me a bout $15 and about a half hour.
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(On Monday, I did this to my jet boat):

Rebuilt clean out plugs with new lower end caps and cleaned up wiring on spare DC circuits in prep for handing boat over to new owner.
Installed a Simrad go7! Now to just learn how to use it! Haha! Got to use it this weekend! Works awesome! Had a 38 footer following me because it worked so well!20170826_103317.jpg
Installed a new latch on my ski locker hatch, somebody I know ripped off the original one. I do like the double action of the new latch as compared to the originals single action. Makes it easier to operate and seal the hatch.20170903_152011_001.jpg
Installed a new latch on my ski locker hatch, somebody I know ripped off the original one. I do like the double action of the new latch as compared to the originals single action. Makes it easier to operate and seal the hatch.View attachment 63551

What did you end up going with? I had the same thing happen and have to replace one.
@ToddW850 I went with Yamaha Sports Plaza, part #16, not cheap, about $45 w/ shipping but the double action makes it better than the original.
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I ordered SEADEK for the cockpit area.