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The official "What did you do to your jet boat today" thread.

Went to the marina where I have my boat slipped to find out the adjacent boat broke free and bashed the crap out of my aft portside gelcoat, tower, etc.

Crazy thing is their boat pinned my boat so hard against the dock that my fenders (big 6" diameter fenders) ripped my docklines out of them. Somehow my starboard is not wrecked from the dock.

Thank god I had my cover on. The damage would have been devastating


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First chance to try out the added hand hold I installed. I'd long wondered if adding a second handle would be useful or not. It is. With our time at the lake today not only did I experience the benefit of the new handle but everyone climbing the ladder to board the boat was using the new handle. This is a 2006 SX210. I wish I had done this years ago.


Recieved and complained about the annual property tax / luxury tax bill for it. At least it's gone down a little and I got it before a late notice and fee this year. Still blows me away to be charged for the privilege of storing my boat on the side of my house as o almost never boat in the county I live in and the fees are used on things that have little or nothing to do with boating.
@Ronnie That tax is absured! I cannot believe they do that. And I thought Vermont taxes were crazy.
Recieved and complained about the annual property tax / luxury tax bill for it. At least it's gone down a little and I got it before a late notice and fee this year. Still blows me away to be charged for the privilege of storing my boat on the side of my house as o almost never boat in the county I live in and the fees are used on things that have little or nothing to do with boating.
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My sister-in-law and brother-in-law live in L.A. (Woodland Hills) and they've spoken on how ridiculous the taxes in CA are. Wow
Try $552 annual property tax for a 2015 Ar240 with $42k assessed value in Kentucky... 1.3%!! Add $40 more for registration fee/sticker. We get nailed on vehicles the same way.
Misery loves company especially if the company is worse off. I don't know what percentage I pay of market value but mine tax on the boat has gone down over the past few years from closer to $400 per year. All counties in CA charge it now. I think the trigger value is $20k because it never applied to my other boats or jet skis , just when I bought an sx230ho. Registration is cheap $10/yr plus $8 for zebra mussel inspections. The trailer costs more but its because , according to the DMV it's the trailer that damages the street not boats or jet skis.
Waxed the haul (Reason why the trailer is on ramps), installed ratchet style tie downs and installed a fourth factory style pop-up cleat on the bow for better fender placement.cleat 2.jpg Cleat 3.jpg Cleat 4.jpg Cleat 5.jpg
Ok so today I removed the factory decals on the side of the boat! First SX195 I've seen without them. Would love to know what you guys think.

Looks good! I have the same boat. Would love to see a pic of the full profile without the cover on next time you take her out.

How did you remove the decals?
Hey @probee773 i will take a pic this weekend when we are out! I used a heat gun for the stickers and then goo gone for residue. My heat gun has selectable temp setting and I ran mine on 340. Patience is a huge help!!
Went to the marina where I have my boat slipped to find out the adjacent boat broke free and bashed the crap out of my aft portside gelcoat, tower, etc.

Shouldn't this be in the "What did someone ELSE do to your jet boat today" thread? Seriously though, that sucks. . . . I am always worried about floating debris hitting my boat. People don't secure their stuff nearly as well as they should and there's always something loose (including boats) by me.
Recieved and complained about the annual property tax / luxury tax bill for it. At least it's gone down a little and I got it before a late notice and fee this year. Still blows me away to be charged for the privilege of storing my boat on the side of my house as o almost never boat in the county I live in and the fees are used on things that have little or nothing to do with boating.
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Hell, I thought NY was ridiculous.
Installed my new console cover today. Should make things much easier when I decide to leave her on my dock at the new house.

Sold it. :eek:
We will post pics hopefully by next weekend.
I completely blame this forum for this one. It never crossed my mind to tint the windows.


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