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The official "What did you do to your jet boat today" thread.

Bled the brakes after replacing the brake line. My neighbor used to be a mechanic for the post office so he came over with the tools to do it quickly and alone if necessary . All you need is one of these and a compressor. Basically vacuum the brake fluid from the reservoir to the calipers through the bleeder valve (far side first), then hand actuate the brakes to get the remaining air, if any out. Took less than 5 minutes once everything was set up.

First oil change (10 hours)... walked my 15 yr old son through the steps and he did great... didn't realize oil extractor compresser had metal on the bottom and scratched the plastic engine cover a bit...
IMG_2913.JPG IMG_2914.JPG IMG_2915.JPG IMG_2910.JPG IMG_2911.JPG IMG_2912.JPG Installed my JPB hydroturf! Easier than I thought but my wife was a huge help.
Also installed drain plug light and Blue sea fuse block.
Replaced both of my group24 batteries with group27 interstate deep cycles with 600CCA. Had to change the boxes since the default is for group24 batteries.

Took a picture of her in her slip chilling after doing the work. Getting a new slip soon. Might miss the "pirate ship" next to me.


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Replaced both of my group24 batteries with group27 interstate deep cycles with 600CCA. Had to change the boxes since the default is for group24 batteries.

Took a picture of her in her slip chilling after doing the work. Getting a new slip soon. Might miss the "pirate ship" next to me.
Are you going to be getting a covered slip? Or are they all open in your neck of the woods? Here in Texas, unless you have a sailboat, you have a covered slip.
Are you going to be getting a covered slip? Or are they all open in your neck of the woods? Here in Texas, unless you have a sailboat, you have a covered slip.

It's a pretty small lake, so no covered slip options. i wish it was covered and had power but I will take what I can get! :-)
Went out to the marina to change the port engine flush hose today, on the water. All went well, the factory had double clamped it and overlapped the clamps making it difficult to get off, so i bent the clamps off and replaced with new S.S. F.Y.I. that "Y" in the line that the red flush hose connects to is below the water line and water does backflow into the bilge when disconnected, not a problem. I put the hose back on and cut it a couple feet away where it goes thru the bulkhead and raised it up, until I could route and install the new one. I did pay for the Yamaha O.E. Replaced because the check valve has been failing since April, allowing water to bypass the cap and enter the engine bay.
I've had this new OEM cover for a few months but hadn't put it on yet. I use a cheaper after market cover for storage. Today I put this cover on as I took the boat/trailer into a shop for some work on the brakes. The boat will be there for several days and I wanted it covered.

I wish I could have purchased a blue cover (like my last one) but apparently they are no longer available.


After a week of camping and mooring the boat all week near large trees that dropped pine needles, it was time for a much needed bath and detail. IMG_0425.JPG
Added a cable between the negative terminals on my house and start batteries, soldered the negative lead back onto the VSR module of my boats electrical system and replacef the bunks on my boat trailer. Also replaced the bunks on my Waverunner trailer. IMG_8723.JPGIMG_8721.JPGIMG_8726.JPG
Man does the slooooow steering on the Tracker [ 4 turns lock to lock compared to 3/4 turn on my jet] make me appreciate my Mirage. Next bozo to dis jets is going for a ride:D
Sea-Dek install from last year's group buy . . . . . Complete. Thanks @JetBoatPilot.

Replying to my own post to update with the installation of 2 additional pieces I added. Sent @JetBoatPilot some custom templates I made and they returned these 2 side pieces that fit perfectly. . . . .added bonus, they covered 3 additional snap holes too. 20170614_180308.jpg 20170614_174758.jpg 20170721_180041.jpg 20170721_180051.jpg 20170721_180048.jpg
Plugs were changed while (docked) on the water. . . .

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