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The official "What did you do to your jet boat today" thread.

Nearly wrapped up all of my mods. Tomorrow will detail it and drop it in the water to head over to the marina. Stereo sounds great fully tuned and has enough bass to make me happy but the level of effort and time was insane for the sealed in hull boxes. Kegerator works great in that I tested it with water but the first real test will be with friends on the water. Tap looks cool mounted in the gunwale. Had to order a mini regulator as the standard one is begging to get busted. Auto switch over inverter works as it should. Built in blower works. Love the gas strut on the starboard storage. All my new drain plumbing works great. Rod/cup holders will come in handy. Board racks dress it up. Ballast pumps have power and can’t wait to fill the bags. Push Button start stop 2.0 is fully installed with no popping sound. Hopefully the sound insulation makes a difference. Box anchor fits great. Can’t wait to try the new board and bindings. Fit and finish of the battery/kegerator compartment came out great. Behind the helm looks like something out of a well built sub station.

Too many hours of work to keep track of so I am sure I missed something and time will tell if it was all worth it.

Only one photo today as I was wrapping up.
Nearly wrapped up all of my mods. Tomorrow will detail it and drop it in the water to head over to the marina. Stereo sounds great fully tuned and has enough bass to make me happy but the level of effort and time was insane for the sealed in hull boxes. Kegerator works great in that I tested it with water but the first real test will be with friends on the water. Tap looks cool mounted in the gunwale. Had to order a mini regulator as the standard one is begging to get busted. Auto switch over inverter works as it should. Built in blower works. Love the gas strut on the starboard storage. All my new drain plumbing works great. Rod/cup holders will come in handy. Board racks dress it up. Ballast pumps have power and can’t wait to fill the bags. Push Button start stop 2.0 is fully installed with no popping sound. Hopefully the sound insulation makes a difference. Box anchor fits great. Can’t wait to try the new board and bindings. Fit and finish of the battery/kegerator compartment came out great. Behind the helm looks like something out of a well built sub station.

Too many hours of work to keep track of so I am sure I missed something and time will tell if it was all worth it.

Only one photo today as I was wrapping up.
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Oh I SO HOPE you will elaborate and post pics! PLEASE.

Oh I SO HOPE you will elaborate and post pics! PLEASE.


Please don't, I've spent enough money thanks to his handiwork!

Just kidding, can't wait to see it.
Washed and waxed, got ready to go into the water and then...

they closed the lake. <sigh> Levels too high and lots of floating debris (and loose boats).

No pics, so I guess it didn't happen.
Installed 60” Guide Poles today, replacing the 48” I had on the trailer for the old 2005 AR230. I painted black any PVC that would be exposed and also painted the base of the clearance lights. No white on this puppy. I like that this manufacturer welded a cross brace in the bend to add support and the metal pole extends all the way up the inside of the PVC. The pole covers came from eTrailer.com. A181AB7C-AD0D-4674-B6D6-EBDA728FC36F.jpeg 1F755BD3-BBA9-4AF9-9658-999DCD6E3006.jpeg 2D248FEB-EF8A-4156-ABC2-0CDEF4FD2ABF.jpeg 6C2DE5F0-F7F0-43D2-9B88-A65DC6645884.jpeg .
Lake day!


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What did I do? Not a D@mn thing! Beautiful weather, but the lake is still closed. Almost pulled her out and took her over to Livingston...

Drooling over everyone who went out today.
Productive day today. Boat just needs a good cleaning and we're ready for summer.

VHF Installed




Wake/Kneeboard Rack (ReBorn)



Kwik-Tek Flag Holder. This is super nice, and the flag is very good quality too. I'm likely going to purchase another flag to mount my 'usual' flags to. I drilled and tapped a hole for a set screw just so there is no accidental flagpole loss.



Got a couple other miscellaneous things done. Wiring mess pictured earlier is cleaned up. Got rid of the in-line fuse going to the amp board and replaced it with a circuit breaker so it's easy to kill power to the board. Mounted new extinguishers. All thats left is cleaning, naming, and I picked up a bow cleat for the anchor locker, but ran out of steam for the day.
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Naming? Start a new thread for that. That is one of our favorite things!
Installed new LED trailer lights. Been a full day :winkingthumbsup"


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...Rod/cup holders will come in handy...
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Did you install the Mate Series cup/rod holders? I'm looking at installing a couple. Is the diameter much smaller than the stock ones. Did you screw direct to the fiberglass, add structure below, bolt thru?
Finally got to the lake today for a shake down run on the “new to me” 242LS. My son was even more impressed that I was how much improved this 2013 is over the 2005 we had for the last 2 years. Quiet(er), easier to sync engines, faster hole shot, all round easier to drive. Love the improved no wake mode. The lake is still too cold for water sports, but that should improve in a couple weeks. I’m also really impressed with the JBP Lateral Thrusters I installed. The new Thurst Vector XV’s are even more effective than the XL’s I had on the 2005. It’s going to be a great summer for boating.
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Happy Easter boys and gals. That time of year :winkingthumbsup"
