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    free hit counter

The official "What did you do to your jet boat today" thread.

Yeah i have red ones coming
Just an FYI if anyone is interested in upgrading their batteries.

Sam's Club is running their spring promo this Saturday, in club only, and you can snag the Duracell Group 31 AGM for $159 (normally $179)

SmartSelect_20190508-223145_Sam's Club.jpg
I can’t figure out what to do with that net. It looks too big for anything. I can’t get it to stay on for anything.
Here you go:
What a fantastic little cooler for day trips!
Holds cold drinks, without any extra ice, cool for a day in moderately hot temps. 24 can capacity.
Waited to post until we used it a couple of times. Great value and it FITS! snag in that silly spot in the new 240/242s:
View attachment 79966

View attachment 79964

Ozark Trail Premium 24-Can Cooler - Walmart.com

Just an FYI if anyone is interested in upgrading their batteries.

Sam's Club is running their spring promo this Saturday, in club only, and you can snag the Duracell Group 31 AGM for $159 (normally $179)

View attachment 93861

That's a good time to buy. And from what I am seeing, they are doing $20 off most any marine batteries in case you just want to jump on big Type 27-31 Deep Cycles. I installed two 27's last year and they are working really well.
Look what showed up today!!

I changed out the bilge and bypass outlets.
View attachment 93648

Those look awesome!

I have such a love/hate thing for this forum. I love finding cool stuff to buy, then I hate spending the money, then I love when UPS runs with my new parts, then I hate telling my wife I bought new parts, then I love showing off new parts on here. Then while showing off I see something else and it starts all over again.

The admins need to figure out how to get paid for click-throughs, and they could all retire.
I had a productive morning.

Reorganized the clutter.

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Made the shiny black bits shiny again

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Wiped off all that damn pollen off the boat


Attached helm drain hoses (that were not attached by dealer!)


Hung the now famous shoe head mod and installed some books for the PFDs


But I forgot the keys at home so didn't have time for a quick spin. Ha.


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Does putting together the rock tamers to be ready for dd today count?

I wouldn’t mind buying some custom sail plates, maybe with our boat name, but for now modded then with what I had.

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So last time we were out, boat almost slid off the trailer at the ramp. I had unknowingly taken the winch out of gear, and the boat (which had never even budged on the trailer before) started sliding right off the bunks. The S-Hook that came on the factory chain just popped right out of the bow eye somehow, and luckily the winch ran out of strap before the boat ended up on the pavement.

$5 and that safety chain will never pop off again.
