I wasn't necessarily speaking of it having much downforce but more so shear force laterally across the tow bolts. It certainly would not see the same forces as the reversed hydrofoil of the Malibu/Axis Wedge, I was only using it as a means to explain the reinforce to account for forces

. Honestly I think the tow bolts would likely be fine as I do crank on my rear tie down straps quite a bit. But .....better to be safe than sorry because if the tow loop does somehow get ripped or sheared off I imagine that would be a ton of water that would flood into the bilge, especially ballasted heavy, and likely too much for the stock bilge pump to keep up with. It's probably not likely to ever happen but we also didn't think towers would come loose and nearly kill owners either heh.
Take these pictures below of a broken tab of the Scarab wedge which acts very similar to how the Yamaha (and your DIY project) work by diverting water from the side of the hull across the rear towards the jet(s). Now, clearly these pieces aren't anywhere as beefy as the tow eyes and bolts but just shows there is certainly a force there to keep in mind of, I know that when I tried my DIY surf gate at 11 mph there was a considerable amount of force being applied, of course different force entirely as mine stuck out beyond the hull to get a lot of surface area exposed to water. The rear tab broke on this one and I'm not sure if the side tab did as well.
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For reference this is what the Scarab wedge normally looks like...
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