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Upper Chesapeake Yamaha Run?

What date(s) work best for you?

  • 6/4

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • 6/11

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • 6/25

    Votes: 6 75.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Tried calling Lee's Landing but it went to VM. Someone asked on Lee's Landing FB page when they would be expected. 11:45am they started to arrive and left by 2:45pm last year.
I was planning to be out, but we’ve been without power the past two days, so things got behind at work and home…. I’m still hoping to get out for a bit…. But will see.
I've secured Yamaha only anchorage for us in a premier location. See the concierge at the front desk upon arrival.
I've secured Yamaha only anchorage for us in a premier location. See the concierge at the front desk upon arrival.

Have fun.. If you can please share some photos!! For those of us stuck indoors at work today.. :)
Act fast!!!! Offering spots for just $19.95. But if you call with the next 15 minutes, we'll throw in another spot for FREE!!!! And FREE shipping. *small processing fee does apply.
First two boats just passed
Return trip was insane. I didn't count but I would guess 40ish. All in a relative short time. We got majorly rocked and took some water over the bow.
Return trip was insane. I didn't count but I would guess 40ish. All in a relative short time. We got majorly rocked and took some water over the bow.
Oh wow! From wakes? Or wind picked up and created waves? I only took a wave over the bow one time… that was anchored at the island and two adults were sitting in the bow and a wake came over…. Bilge pumped it out and all was good, but if you took multiple over the bow that would be scary!
Oh wow! From wakes? Or wind picked up and created waves? I only took a wave over the bow one time… that was anchored at the island and two adults were sitting in the bow and a wake came over…. Bilge pumped it out and all was good, but if you took multiple over the bow that would be scary!
From the wakes. 40ish big boats going by in a short span = rockin


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Good afternoon all... Just passing this along... Everyone closer to the area prob already knows, but just in case...

Have a safe weekend all....

Hubby sent this to me! from the Havre facebook pg..

Local Notice to Mariners Alert

Location: Susquehanna River at the Vulcan materials mooring bouy ( where you typically see barges anchored)
Coordinates: 39°32.719N by 76°04.501W
Incident: 1740 tons of rocks was accidentally dumped over the side of the barge
Hazard: the pile of rocks is very close to the surface of the water. Please avoid this area!!
Thankfully this is located outside of the channel and easy to keep clear of! Please see our attached photo of the incidents location.452737281_1028163112618636_656582806756340576_n.jpg