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Watersports vests?


Jetboaters Commander
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Fruit Cove, FL 32259
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I have plenty of regular life vests... Kind of like these:

But, I'm starting to get into watersports (probably just kneeboarding and tubing for the immediate future) and wanted to know if there's any real advantage to something marketed as a watersports vest. Is there a difference or am I just paying for a name? For tubing, I want my guests to be comfortable, but safety is more important to me... I'm sure there will be bodies flying through the air at some point. :)
I like the Body Glove vests, it's all we buy....because they are right here in my backyard and are wonderful peeps. Bob Meistrell was a good friend of a close friend of ours and he was one of the best people you'll ever want to meet. And he surrounded himself with a great staff. One time I needed a dive suit in a hurry for a trip and I called over and they let me into the warehouse after hours to pick one out. That's my two cents. :cool:
We use the same basic kind as you have above. The only complaint is that sometimes they can ride up. The next one I will get is the kind that have the strap between your legs to keep the vest pulled down. To be fair we are not extreme at either wakeboarding or skiing just the typically abilities.
I agree with the others about the neoprene vests. Some of the water sports vests are not USCG approved to function as a Type 2 or 3 Life Vest for boat requirements however they are less intrusive as a Type 2 or 3 vest is. I love my Neoprene Type 3, get them so they are snug but reasonable to get on. The snug keeps them from riding up on you.
The neoprene vests are more comfortable / feel better against the skin. They are also generally more expensive. For kids let them pick out their vests so that they are less likely to complain about them and more likely to want to use them. There are a lot of competition vests available they are lighter, thinner and more comfortable than standard vests but also NOT coast guard approved. So if you have 4 people aboard you will need at least 4 cg approved vests in additon to any comp vests you have to stay legal. The pull over vests look great but tend to rise up and choke the user when tubing in a seated position. The center opening/entry vests don't rise up /choke users while tubing.
We have Jet Pilot and Hyperlite neoprene vests for family members. I picked up a few misc brand neoprene vests for guests.

We also have comp (non-cga) vests for wakeboarding in isolated areas. They will float you, just not as much as the others. Since WI law doesn't actually require you to wear a vest while doing watersports, they're fully legal as long as I have a cga vest in the boat.
We have been buying the ones that Costco stocks. The Bodyglove ones have been great. This years hyperlite ones fit a bit better and are very comfy. My wife has a nice wakesurf one but it doesnt qualify as a PFD so you need to have one extra jacket onboard (which is never an issue). Cam.
You guys got me thinking about checking my marine insurance personal effects coverage. Given just the number of neoprene vests I have, I think I'm underinsured.
With three growing kids and their growing friends, I've stuck with basic four buckle ones like you pictured. As they get bigger and more proficient at the various board sports, I will be up upgrading to the neoprene sports vests, for better range of motion and comfort.
Not having the right number of vests aboard seems to be the quickest way to a ticket around here. The last time I saw someone on a boat called on it the water patrol wasn't checking vest type or fit just number. I have been warned that I was not wearing the right vest while on my Pwc, luckily I didn't get a ticket as I had a cg approved vest on board which I changed into per the sheriffs suggestion. It was an easy choice keep wearing the comp vest and get a ticket or comply and carry on.
We have a number of CG approved but ugly and uncomfortable vests we keep tucked away for inspections only. They came with the boat. All our regularly worn CG vests are the costco $50 neoprene ones - we bought 2 a year until we had enough. Together we have way more vests than people. Even with 10 neoprene vests the insurance covers it easily. Cam.
Here is a pic of the vests we use most, minus the dog's.

I find the neoprene vests don't ride up as much (turtle) and are more comfortable in general....
Absolutely. Simply typical excellent advice from @Julian.
Our family gives this a big "X2" !

And by the way, once you locate neoprene vests, you may discover, as we have, that they are about all the same in quality - However there may be a big difference in price with some.
No need to pay "tons" of hard-earned cash for some big name expecting a superior product.
Best Wishes, Mikey Lulejian - Lake Oconee, GA