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Yamaha "deck tube"?


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I am currently borrowing a friend's O'Brien Super Screamer. It is huge and really has lived up to it's name, it's an absolute blast!

However, I really like the look of Yamaha's deck tube - it is somewhat squared off on the rear and has a vertical stabilizer on each side so I think it might be easier to stay on when getting whipped around. One downfall I see is that the Yamaha doesn't have all the extra neoprene for elbows and knees to rest on, like the O'Brien does.

Does anyone have experience with the Yamaha tube? I have searched high and low on the forum for a review on it but have found no results.
OBrien Super Screamer.jpg Yamaha Deck Tube.JPG
Just get a mable, big mable, or super mable they are much better and will last a long time.
I've had numerous tubes throughout the years including ones similar to both tubes referenced. IMHO the above water vertical stabilizers are more for looks than function but they do let the riders know where the edge of the tube is. The flat back of the Yamaha tube will allow both of two riders to get both of their knees up on the tube instead of just one or at least both legs will be equally on the tube instead of offset (depends on the height of each rider). The bottom line is that they are basically the same tube, if I were to buy just one it would be the one with the neoprene pads for the knees and elbows. I wouldn't have both in my inventory at the same time.

@DUSTOFF , @subysti 's suggestion isn't bad either since you already have a round flat tube getting a mable or super mable would help to round out your tubing options. My crew and I are in our late 30s and early 40s so none of us use the flat tubes that are meant to be riden while laying on our abdomens anymore. It is just to hard on out lower backs and necks. Instead we use a three or four person tube with a back rest like the super maple or atomic 4 (available seasonally at Costco). The flat tubes make great sun decks but the other tubes mentioned make for comfortable love seats (that is a tube which has back rests but also lets your feet hang of the front and in the water) when not being used for towing so when we go out that's the one we bring with us.

Our flat tubes haven't been inflated on a few years. I keep them around in case anyone ever wants to try one plus I'm too lazy to sell it on Craig's list (too many fakers/ low ballers) and if I tried on eBay I'd have to deal with shipping which could get expensive fast as these things tend to weigh a lot.
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