Here is a table I put together of all the Yamaha boats, their lengths, Model names (ones right justified are "new" models with new features), MSRP etc.
At the top you will see their letter coding for features. A #5 at the end of the model # indicates it has their 1.8L Super Charged engine(s).
The 255XD is a pretty pricey boat that is definitely going to bump up against many of the competition. Given it is trying to be a wake boat, it will be interesting to see how well it does stock. What it does have against the wake boats is it is FAR more versatile. It can go 55mph (not many wake boats will come close to that), and the draft and stern layout will be much more appealing to a wide range of buyers.
I was pleasantly surprised by the price of the 255E FSH Sport center console at $76,999. I think that will be a really interesting option for many, and finally with 111 Gallon fuel capacity this will be much more appealing. We'll have to see how much those SVHO engines drink. At $69,799 the no SVHO is also quite appealing although it doesn't have the E-Series throttles which I would miss.
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