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Foil Boarding - Loyal to the Foil

This is one of my first successful foil surfing attempts from last year.
Nice bruh! Are you on the Gamma 68 (H2) wing?
This looks awesome. It appears that you can be pulled behind any kind of vessel, but do you need a big wake in order to let go of the rope? I think I would like to try this.
This looks awesome. It appears that you can be pulled behind any kind of vessel, but do you need a big wake in order to let go of the rope? I think I would like to try this.
Not at all... just some practice and talent in combination with the right wing.
The end of this video the guy surfs a jetski wake.
I don't want to turn this thread into sales pitch but feel free to shoot me a DM if you want more info and pricing.
These look awesome. I am just now learning to wakeboard. I assume I will need to learn that much better before getting into this?
So if you let go of the rope, whats providing the "push" or speed for the foil to work? Are you getting elevation change from the wake and "surfing" down that part of the water? I assume you're storing the energy with the quick uphills, and then a long slow release of energy on the downhill?
Yea that was on the H2. The H5 is pretty tough to surf. You have to stay close to the boat, and then its a constant battle to keep from running into it. The push comes from the wave. There is quit a bit of power just below the surface. That and the foil has a lot less resistance then say a surf board so you don't need as much energy to push it. I would say its completely different then wake boarding. Other then learning balance I don't think there is much cross over. There is really nothing like it. Closer to surfing I would say, but even surfing a boat wave, ocean wave , and all the different types of surf machines are all diff. I say buy one you wont regret it.
This is one of my first successful foil surfing attempts from last year.
Curious what the learning curve was like for you. How many times out before you were able to surf like that?
I would say it took 15 to 20 hrs of ridding before i could go rope less. Its almost as much fun ridding with a rope though. You can carve all over back and forth across the wake. I was able to do a couple jumps, the landings are intimidating with the foil though.
Supporting the cause. Order placed. Great customer service so far, another solid vendor.
Wow that was a really good ropeless run! What speed was the boat set at. I seem to be more comfortable in the 16 to 17 mph range using what they called last year the big bat wing.
Supporting the cause. Order placed. Great customer service so far, another solid vendor.
Happy to share the fun! Looks like your foil should reach you by Thursday, just in time for the long weekend.

I can't wait until more and more of us start getting out again.

The group buy may have ended but I'm still able to give some pretty stellar discounts on these. DM me if you wanna know more. I can always give better one on one pricing to folks on all our merch than I am allowed to advertise.
The excitement was contagious. This thing is huge, and so nice. Looking forward to getting it wet. E2121B92-88FC-4862-80A1-8BBA3054FA83.jpeg
The excitement was contagious. This thing is huge, and so nice. Looking forward to getting it wet. View attachment 95084
They're so flurpin cool man! When I unboxed mine, my 4 year old asked me what it was. I jokingly told him it was his new board. A year later he still refers to it as "his board". Have fun!
Now in have to learn how to edit. It way cooler zoomed in. I tried 14.5 to 16 mph. 15 seems to be my speed for now.
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Purchased my foil from @J-RAD during the group buy and it was delivered quickly and in great shape. Today was the first time we got to try it out. There is a learning curve but my 13 year old was making progress after a couple hours.
Purchased my foil from @J-RAD during the group buy and it was delivered quickly and in great shape. Today was the first time we got to try it out. There is a learning curve but my 13 year old was making progress after a couple hours.
So rad, love it! He's doing very good. You know he's probably going to be better than the rest of us by the end of the season...