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Not at all... just some practice and talent in combination with the right wing.This looks awesome. It appears that you can be pulled behind any kind of vessel, but do you need a big wake in order to let go of the rope? I think I would like to try this.
Curious what the learning curve was like for you. How many times out before you were able to surf like that?This is one of my first successful foil surfing attempts from last year.
Happy to share the fun! Looks like your foil should reach you by Thursday, just in time for the long weekend.Supporting the cause. Order placed. Great customer service so far, another solid vendor.
They're so flurpin cool man! When I unboxed mine, my 4 year old asked me what it was. I jokingly told him it was his new board. A year later he still refers to it as "his board". Have fun!The excitement was contagious. This thing is huge, and so nice. Looking forward to getting it wet. View attachment 95084
So rad, love it! He's doing very good. You know he's probably going to be better than the rest of us by the end of the season...Purchased my foil from @J-RAD during the group buy and it was delivered quickly and in great shape. Today was the first time we got to try it out. There is a learning curve but my 13 year old was making progress after a couple hours.