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Transom Watersports | Spring Sling | Group Buy

Committed buyer?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Really excited!!!
WANTED: 6 more like minded individuals to join us on our foiling escapades

We're counting on a few more to join.
Just a few more days left to take advantage of this group buy. If any are hanging in the wind considering, we need you to commit.

Although we always intend to offer the best price on these items to our friends here, this is are rare opportunity to save hundreds. We've decided we'll take care of those who commit to this regardless of our goal for 10... but a group discount on these may not occur the future as a result of the challenge of meeting or goals. Please take advantage of the opportunity while it lasts.

Thanks to all who have shown an interest!
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You guys best get on this. Its only money the banks got plenty ;) Most fun you'll have behind the boat.
We just added another buyer to this last night! *fist pump*

That's still a long ways from our goal of 10... Let's see if we can entice a few more today...


If you're purchasing as a part of this group buy or purchased one previously, do me a solid and answer a few questions. What sold you on it? What got you interested in foiling? How did you convince your wife/partner? What are you looking forward to about it?


Thank you all for following and participating!
I hear people like codes that give then discounts during checkout when buying things online... Foil20 is one of those codes. I hear it's active until April 16th at midnight.

I'm just going to leave this right here:

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: We're pleased at the fact that we've been able to offer this limited time deal to members of the jetboaters forum. A special thanks to the administrators here for creating such a wonderful and friendly gathering place.

Although it seems unlikely we'll meet our initial goal of 10 committed buyers we are honoring the discount for those who choose to make the purchase between now and the time the offer code expires.

Orders will be placed with the manufacturer Wednesday April 17th and will ship thereafter. Tracking information will be made available after it is recieved.

Thank you all once again!
Just a few more hours left to use the code and save hundreds :greedy::greedy:
I want to give a BIG SHOUT OUT to everyone who followed along or chose to take part in this event. You're all top notch A-grade individuals in my book. Even if you voted "I'm not sure I'm cool enough..." you're on your way. ?

For those who did take part, your orders have been submitted to Slingshot, sales orders sent back, compared and approved for final submission. With that complete, I suspect we'll start seeing order confirmation and tracking info roll thru later today.
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Well that was quick my wing has already shipped. Nice work @J-RAD
Well that was quick my wing has already shipped. Nice work @J-RAD
It did?! I was having your order sent here first so I could try it out... :p

J/K! Everyone's should be on the way. Now it's just a race to see who gets them on the water first.
Some of you should be recieving your foul packages anytime. I just wanted to add a little helpful information here for you all on assembly and maintenance.


I haven't made the effort to swap out any screws for different head screws. You can determine for yourself whether that would be necessary. In this video they use a anti-seize product. Slingshot in one of their videos suggest marine grease.

Definitely go thru the Foil Academy tutorials that @ross l suggested. It's full of great advice and tips.

Stoked for you guys to all start foiling!