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Foil Boarding - Loyal to the Foil

Awesome stuff, thank you!

I'll keep my eye on the horizon more as I get my balance figured out. Re: foot placement, I skipped putting on the front foot "hook" but think I'll try that next time. I might slide the mast slightly further too if that doesn't work because, I think you're right, all the soreness in my back leg is probably due to having to be so off balance when in the air.

Re: foil bites - yes that thing is dangerous AF in the water. A few times coming down I thought I was going to land right on top of the carbon fiber wing, but haven't so far. I am teaching myself to make an X with my arms in front of my face as soon as I start to crash just to avoid tearing off my nose or something... :D

Interesting thought about listening for the foil - I'll have to tie to ropes together two get away from those noisy engines!
One thing I took away from the slingshot videos that has helped me a lot is to not try to be a hero and save a fall like you would on any other board.
If you’re going to fall just go with it and fall away from the board. I’ve yet to hit it and I’ve crashed A LOT!
One thing I took away from the slingshot videos that has helped me a lot is to not try to be a hero and save a fall like you would on any other board.
If you’re going to fall just go with it and fall away from the board. I’ve yet to hit it and I’ve crashed A LOT!

Yep, I took that away as well even before receiving the board. THEN, when I realized how big and heavy these things are, it became even more apparent of the importance of getting the heck out of dodge on your way down.

One video even suggested holding onto the rope on the way down so you'd get dragged away from the board by the boat.
I just listen for the sucking sound just before a breach and you can still save it. Just react smoothly and don’t overcorrect.

I went to the surf rope pretty fast because I was trying to ride the wake, but haven’t gotten there yet. As long as you’re not riding right in the jet bubbles it doesn’t seem any harder.

We try to run 11—13 mph but we don’t have speed control.

How is getting up with the surf rope next to the boat vs. the wakeboard rope out in the flats?
1) After a while it becomes intuitive/feel. Although I think you actually can just barely notice the the wing noise/vibration change right before it is going to breach.
2) Longer rope is better, 65' or more. Keeps you further from the wash and wake, which you want to avoid when learning.
3) When I am surfing the first wake I ride at 10.5 mph. For learning on a long line, keep the speeds lower, just fast enough to stay up on the foil. Try around 8 mph and go up from there.
4) 1 hand seems easier to learn balance, and preference after that (and eventually no hands anyway). Using 2 hands can make your hips open up towards the boat, which will add steering input you probably don't want (the same way you teach a wakeboarder to drop their back hand to keep from unwanted edging).

Interesting - by the way I keep reading about the vibration of the foil when you're flying... I did not feel or hear anything like that with this board. Maybe it was too much water in my ears or there was just too much concentrating on not impaling myself...
How is getting up with the surf rope next to the boat vs. the wakeboard rope out in the flats?
I get up on the board and get outside the wake right away before I start really trying to float on the foil.
Interesting - by the way I keep reading about the vibration of the foil when you're flying... I did not feel or hear anything like that with this board. Maybe it was too much water in my ears or there was just too much concentrating on not impaling myself...
I have the same board as you and I don’t recall if I noticed right away or not. So much going through my mind on the first trip.
I think it sounds pretty similar to a pool vacuum sucking air if it gets near the surface. It’s not quiet, you’ll notice it next time.
I have the same board as you and I don’t recall if I noticed right away or not. So much going through my mind on the first trip.
I think it sounds pretty similar to a pool vacuum sucking air if it gets near the surface. It’s not quiet, you’ll notice it next time.

I'll have to keep an ear out for it this weekend when we get back on the water.
Totally not boat related, but has anyone tried the slingwing? Or windsurf foiled? The YouTube rabbit led me to some amazing video. I'm headed to the outter banks in a few weeks gonna find a place and rent a windfoil.
Unsure how I just now saw this, or how I've lived on earth this long and haven't tried this.

Cheeze and Flipping RICE that looks amazing!
I've been looking for a foil sock/bag that covers the board with the mast on for quite a while now since its so friggin' hot and sunny here. Slingshot has been out of stock for a long time and I was having trouble finding other affordable options.

Just found these from Manera on MACKiteboards and ordered one for $89.00. Its padded and reflective on one side and seems like it will work great either just laying around the boat/beach and also to protect the board in a surf rack.

It's supposedly in stock so I'll update once I get it and use it some.

I realize this doesn't support @J-RAD or others on the forum who may sell these products and I'm not thrilled about that, but with the limited stock of certain brands I can't wait forever.

View attachment 155429
Bag showed up early.

Fits my 4’10” Slingshot WF2 well without any slop width wise and just a little extra at the nose since the board isn’t pointed.

It seems well sewn and put together. Has decent padding and is reflective heavy tarp material on the inside and the bottom and heavy nylon on top. Also has a soft pocket for fins.

You have to split the tail end to slide the board in which is a little awkward, but I’m glad the tail ends are sewn shut vs Velcro for security.

I’m very happy for the price.

Unsure how I just now saw this, or how I've lived on earth this long and haven't tried this.

Cheeze and Flipping RICE that looks amazing!
I'll just leave these here... :D

Skip ahead to 0:50 on this one:
Bumping this thread - had a great time foiling in Madison, WI this past weekend. Besides hitting the occasional drifting clump of milfoil that would noise dive the board, I feel that I'm getting some control of the board down now. On rope, I can now foil until my muscles basically give up on me.

This past weekend, I tried a few sets off the wake surf rope, close to the boat, to see if I could catch and keep the wave. This was without water ballast and at surf speeds of 10.5mph. It was interesting how you can really feel the push from such a small wave - but I struggled with wrapping my brain around how to keep the rope slacked.

Here's my brain's conundrum: When surfing a standard board, front foot is gas. But on a foil, front foot is also "down." So I would feel the push, try to "catch" it with a weight shift to the front, but then the foil goes down too...
Here's my brain's conundrum: When surfing a standard board, front foot is gas. But on a foil, front foot is also "down." So I would feel the push, try to "catch" it with a weight shift to the front, but then the foil goes down too...
With a foil you have two issues going on. First, down on the foil will accelerate you, that's the essence of pumping. You can pump the board as needed, but bear in mind that if you touch down the extra drag negates the benefits of pumping.

There's a rub here though. Depending on the wave and your mast length, descending on the foil can move the wing out of the energy of the wave. The wing itself has to be up in the wave to tap the energy. With a long enough mast, you can ride right across a wave and never even feel it. You're on the right path, time on the foil will help a lot. Just remember that it's 3 dimensional now. Instead of just front foot pressure to accelerate, you need to actually descend to accelerate. If that's not enough, pop up and descend again. Now you're pumping the foil.

Position on the wave matters a lot too. The foil is so efficient that just a tiny bit steeper portion of the wave will be faster.
Got my hands on an infinity 76 wing. Holy shinitskies!!!! What a totally different ride. I can't believe I held out getting one for this long. I did have the chance to ride a naish and a Armstrong set up. Both very nice, but...moving up the slingshot line, I think it's an easier learning curve. The naish had a 3ft mast...crazy. The Armstrong, nice but the price, screw that ...
I don’t have a foil board so no idea how far back I could ride one. I’ve seen some sweet vids of guys way back on the 2nd and 3rd set of rollers. I’d like to try foiling but maybe when it’s a bit cheaper. I just don’t know enough about the wings and all that but I can see it would get expensive with the mods, just like surf boards can get :D

Looks fun for sure!

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How does the slingshot wf2 board work for just wakesurfing without the foil? Is it easy for beginners? Looking for a board that has a lot of versatility and adding the foil later, after some more wakesurfing experience, seems like it would be a blast .
How does the slingshot wf2 board work for just wakesurfing without the foil? Is it easy for beginners? Looking for a board that has a lot of versatility and adding the foil later, after some more wakesurfing experience, seems like it would be a blast .
I have never tried mine without the foil but I can’t imagine the big tracks cut in the bottom for the foil mast help. It works since you can get up easily and float along the surface before you start getting on the foil, but there are definitely better options for a dedicated surf board.

I also have no ballast, which is why I went with a foil in the first place.
Does it have slots/ holes for fins?