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How my 15.8 yo daughter changed the ONE SIDED holder toilet paper roll. What did I do ? Where did I fail ? How does one think this is "ok". ?
Where do I start? What battles do I choose to lose now?

Pasture...here I come...
Think of yourself as lucky.
I have 21 yr old who would rather drag her ass on the carpet than put a new roll on.:mad:
Mine is not that old yet but I think I might remove all tp from the house for that one! (Of course keep a supply hidden for you and momma).
Look, don't give up just yet @justason. At least she hung the roll so that it unrolls the correct way (away from the wall). That doesn't just happen by accident, right? ;)
Look, don't give up just yet @justason. At least she hung the roll so that it unrolls the correct way (away from the wall). That doesn't just happen by accident, right? ;)

Ha! One from the archives!!! (As much as i disagree)
Why do we even put those silly holders in place? Don't feel bad, my next house isn't going to have any kitchen cabinet or closet doors either. Since nobody closes them anyway I might as well save a few bucks..and no need for a dishwasher, the dirty dishes just clean themselves if you just put them on the counter or in the sink un-rinsed and half full of un-eaten wasted food.
I solved this at my house. Every time my daughter fails to reload the holder, I pull up this video and make her watch it all the way through. I warned her this was coming, and I've only had to do this once and hasn't happened again since!

My wife is the biggest offender in this area. She will just leave the roll on the counter and the empty on the holder. UGH. My daughters' bathroom is always done correctly.
Why do we even put those silly holders in place? Don't feel bad, my next house isn't going to have any kitchen cabinet or closet doors either. Since nobody closes them anyway I might as well save a few bucks..and no need for a dishwasher, the dirty dishes just clean themselves if you just put them on the counter or in the sink un-rinsed and half full of un-eaten wasted food.
Don't forget to install a kitchen garbage can with only 2 inches of usable space at the top. Since it's always full when I go to use it anyway.
Why do we even put those silly holders in place? Don't feel bad, my next house isn't going to have any kitchen cabinet or closet doors either. Since nobody closes them anyway I might as well save a few bucks..and no need for a dishwasher, the dirty dishes just clean themselves if you just put them on the counter or in the sink un-rinsed and half full of un-eaten wasted food.

Ok ...buttons fully engaged....also yesterday..dishwasher was packed solid. I guess its someone elses job to soap and start it! Then again if that was to happen then it'd be a chore to empty it.

I get my little dose of happy when the kids are 3 days late with the phone bill.....so i "suspend service". Man do they dive for $$$ then. The reconnect fee keeps the laundry room in order anyways!!!
"A" for effort...
Dishwasher? You hired a dishwasher? I suppose I could, but the real problem is finding the dishes....they all seem to disappear.

I have a perpetual Wedding Registry with Macy's so that family and friends know what to get us for birthdays, anniversaries, etc.

At the moment I think we are down to 2 or 3 coffee cups from a set of 12. I think my daughter tosses them in the back of her pick-up when the coffee is gone.

I have two utensil drawers. One for my wife and I - that one stays locked...and one for everyday use - it's filled with all the old stainless and probably some silverware, the odds and ends that are leftover from all the sets we've purchased over the years. Seems my kids think they are disposable like the plastic sporks you get from fast food joints. I replenish that drawer about once a month from a big box I keep in the garage.

The funny thing is I know some of you think I'm kidding.

I'm not.

Funny stuff but sad that it is all true. My wife and I have two other houses just to put the kids in. The kids just keep coming back and this stopped it.
O dear lord!!!!!
Half-assed toilet paper is one thing.....its been 4 days since the boat was used and 3 massive rainstorms. Was prepping for a dinner on the lake tonight and found this.....i'm guessing a pb&J ?????

I dont wanna play anymore....
O dear lord!!!!!
Half-assed toilet paper is one thing.....its been 4 days since the boat was used and 3 massive rainstorms. Was prepping for a dinner on the lake tonight and found this.....i'm guessing a pb&J ?????
View attachment 25235

I dont wanna play anymore....
Sorry but I just have to laugh....Kids...
Ok ...buttons fully engaged....also yesterday..dishwasher was packed solid. I guess its someone elses job to soap and start it! Then again if that was to happen then it'd be a chore to empty it.

I get my little dose of happy when the kids are 3 days late with the phone bill.....so i "suspend service". Man do they dive for $$$ then. The reconnect fee keeps the laundry room in order anyways!!!

Don't get me started on the dishwasher. My wife packs it so tight that there is no way for anything to get clean and then says "we need a new dishwasher" because stuff isn't clean.
Don't get me started on the dishwasher. My wife packs it so tight that there is no way for anything to get clean and then says "we need a new dishwasher" because stuff isn't clean.

Or when they put cookie sheets or cutting boards that are to tall in there and it stops the sprayer from spinning. I feel like I have that conversation every week
O dear lord!!!!!
Half-assed toilet paper is one thing.....its been 4 days since the boat was used and 3 massive rainstorms. Was prepping for a dinner on the lake tonight and found this.....i'm guessing a pb&J ?????
View attachment 25235

I dont wanna play anymore....
Oh my! If I caught my kids doing that sort of thing they just might miss the next outing as punishment. They'd also get a lesson in cleaning up the mess they left.
On the way to TX my son asked me "Dad, what did you do with those sand dollars I found at the beach?" I didn't do anything with them, he had them on the swim deck and I remembered my wife picking them up when we're were about to pull anchor.

She said she put them in the cup holder and "I thought you got them out of there when you cleaned the boat?"

These were live sand dollars, there's not much too them so hopefully they aren't too awful nasty when I go back to FL to get the boat in a few weeks:-/