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One picture of your last outing.

A little late but we spent last Saturday on Lake Partridge and then stayed overnight in Fremont WI which is always a great time. Met up with @drewkaree and his better half Saturday night and spent some time on the River Deck and at the Buss Stop. The trip down the river on Sunday was nice and relaxing and we were off the water at 1:30pm.

Heading through the cut to access the Wolf River from Lake Poygan.

The sandbar on Lake Partridge:

View of the Bridge Bar and the River Deck looking south from our slip:

View of The Boat House bar and Hotel Fremont looking north from our slip:


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I just took my brother and his family out for some weekday tubing and had a great time. The back story of how we eventually got there is a comedy of errors:

1. I couldn’t get the engines started in the driveway before we left in the morning. Two warnings were displayed. 1. Low aux voltage. 2. Low fuel.
I started the boat soon after I took it out of the water last weekend.

2. I thought it was a battery issue since the same alarm came on the last time I used the boat and it did not clear after I had the batteries on a charger maintainer for over a week. My solution was to buy three replacement batteries (1 start and 2 house). This caused the low voltage warning to disappear but not the low fuel (of course).

3. I still couldn’t get either engine to start even after replacing all of the batteries with new ones. As it turned out I was out of fuel not low on it, at least that is what the boat thought when it was facing down my driveway (the pumps were out of the remaining fuel in the tank). The solution was simple, fill the tank, it took just over 52 gallons. Once fueled up both engines started and ran perfectly.

All told from problem identification to solution implementation was about one hour and roughly $600 ($350 for Walmart batteries and $250 for gas at $5 per gallon). IMG_5453.jpeg
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A little late but we spent last Saturday on Lake Partridge and then stayed overnight in Fremont WI which is always a great time. Met up with @drewkaree and his better half Saturday night and spent some time on the River Deck and at the Buss Stop. The trip down the river on Sunday was nice and relaxing and we were off the water at 1:30pm.

Heading through the cut to access the Wolf River from Lake Poygan.
View attachment 224303

The sandbar on Lake Partridge:
View attachment 224305

View of the Bridge Bar and the River Deck looking south from our slip:
View attachment 224307

View of The Boat House bar and Hotel Fremont looking north from our slip:
View attachment 224309
looks like a cool spot..
so wiki says partridge lake is only 4' deep?
where do the house boats come from?
looks like a cool spot..
so wiki says partridge lake is only 4' deep?
where do the house boats come from?

Anchor Point Marina down the river. They've got rentals going out all the time, and they really don't draft all that much, in addition to them not really moving all that fast. In the area Dan's pic is from, that spot is usually a bit shallower, so the houseboats are often on the outskirts for a bit deeper water (like 5'-ish). With all the rain we've been having, the whole area has been about a foot over normal, and it's finally starting to come down. In the next 2-3 weeks it'll probably be back to typical depths as long as it stays dry.
Not boat but water related:

This morning my wife and i had just gotten out of bed when my wife looked out the window
towards the pool and asked, “should the pool look like that?”

Turns out one of the solar panel/blanket hoses became disconnected and allows roughly 2,000 gallons of water to drain out of the pool.

Now pvc pipe is at the top of my modification/upgrades list.
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Another trip to LOTO, adults only this time. Stayed at MM40 off the main. Little rough arriving on a Saturday with several tubing in the cove we had the private dock w/ slip, but was expected. Sunday-Wednesday were just fine on the water though, so we traveled quite a bit, 40 miles in one day as well. The AR230 once again didn’t skip a beat! We visited Boondockz (45), Big dicks (47), Paradise (24), Fish & Co (31), and several coves and one marina! Sorry picture heavy!

Fish & Co (MM31)

The Cave MM1 of the Little Niangua

Finally got to try out the Yamaha Wake shaper with some ballast. Best wave I've ever seen on this boat or the old AR230.

Still need to play around with ballast placement a little to lengthen the wave.


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