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Port ballast box broke!


Jet Boat Addict
Reaction score
Alpharetta, GA
Boat Make
Boat Model
242X E-Series
Boat Length
Hey guys, got a wake surf board last week and decided to try it on Sunday. Filled the port ballast to 100% and proceeded to give it a try. All was well everyone who attempted to surf got up and rode. We weren't able to go ropeless yet but we are close. Any way pulled the boat our at the end of the day and went to turn off the batteries when I noticed that the box that contains the bag broke. Has anyone experienced this? I'll take pics tonight.

Another question, the caps that are on top of the bags.....what are they for and do I need to do anything with them before filling and draining the bags?
Need photos of the broken part....

The caps are if they were either set up in line, or with an overflow...
Thanks, took the boat to storage last night. I put new screws in the brackets that hold the box together. Not sure why Yamaha mounted the fire extinguisher to the wall that separates the ballast from the batteries and amps , the screws stick out and could puncture the bag. Seems like an after thought.
Need photos of the broken part....

The caps are if they were either set up in line, or with an overflow...
So they are to remain closed right?
Maybe the bag filled a little more it was supposed to and it just broke what was containing it. That is why all of my bags are vented and have over flows.
Not sure why Yamaha mounted the fire extinguisher to the wall
Yamaha doesn't install the fire extinguisher...the dealer provides and installs that....and putting in that under seat location is a bad idea(my opinion)....so I moved mine to under the helm storage next to the gate control servo box. You can see where I put it in this photo:

So they are to remain closed right?
Yes....those caps should remain closed...unless you install overflows yourself....(which I wondered about)
That is so weird! Hana and I got our boats from the same dealer on the same day, but my extinguisher was installed under the helm like Julian shows above. No issues with the box breaking and we have filled our bags at least a dozen or more times.
That is so weird! Hana and I got our boats from the same dealer on the same day, but my extinguisher was installed under the helm like Julian shows above. No issues with the box breaking and we have filled our bags at least a dozen or more times.

I have had it up to my eyeballs with the way they did us and our boat. It makes me sick.
If I was in your shoes I would be fing pissed too man...