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Sea Ray SLX-W230

There ya go.


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Bow thruster? Nice!
Beautiful boat! Congratulations and welcome to the V-Drive club. I suspect you are going to love it.
When the 2016 boat show pricing on the Cobalt was good enough to put the R5 just a few grand above the top Yamaha and in my prices range it was an easy decision, plus the dealer gave me a good price on Yamaha trade in. Do I miss having a Yamaha, at times yes, especially when I'm in water that can be potentially shallow otherwise I'm extremely happy with my decision.

The R5 is a stunning boat. Your experience reflects what seems to be a reality in boat pricing - while Yamaha wins in the MSRP wars, actual selling prices are often much closer than people think, despite the dramatically inflated MSRPs of other brands. As Yamaha prices increase, and dealers continue to negotiate only very minimally on the Yamahas, I think they will start to lose more sales to other makers.
I wanted a Cobalt R3 or R5 surf. Got a call from the SeaRay dealer. $68K off list for a 2017 SLX-W 230. I could not pass it up for that price.

Do I want to know what list price is?
Probably somewhere in the neighborhood of $135k when optioned. So take $68k off thst and it is in line with the top of the Yamaha line. List price has very little relationship to actual price on most boats other than Yamahas and some Chaparrals.
Probably somewhere in the neighborhood of $135k when optioned. So take $68k off thst and it is in line with the top of the Yamaha line. List price has very little relationship to actual price on most boats other than Yamahas and some Chaparrals.

I really loathe that about the new boat market. It's way too hard to try and figure out whether or not you're getting a decent deal on something you purchase.
Agreed. It also makes it very hard to know which boats to even consider when searching for the right one.
Took it out today with the sales guy. The surf setup is so easy.



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Yeah I saw one last year at the boat show. They are crazy deep!
I hit the dallas boat show. The pricing is so confusing.

I was checking out the 242x and check out this pricing.



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It's crazy how expensive the Yamaha's are. It would not surprise me to see them eclipse 80k within 3 years, which is just ridiculous IMHO. I love these boats and all but they are not worth that kind of amount of money when you shop them against the similarly priced competition for a wake sports boat. The quality craftsmanship is not there nor is the performance or fuel efficiency. Yamaha really needs to be careful or they will continue to price themselves outside of the market entirely.
They were asking more than list price.

Yes I noticed that but it doesn't surprise me. Probably including taxes and a "dealer prep fee". Yamaha dealers don't usually go much below MSRP unless it's a leftover. They are not treated and sold like other traditional boats where you can sometimes talk them down 10's of thousands of dollars off MSRP, for whatever reason.
Yeah...I don’t see how that price can really withstand actual cross shopping. I paid considerably less than that for my MB F22. The poster above sounds like he paid about that for his Sea Ray, and another paid similar money for a Cobalt R5. I am certain the 242x is a very nice boat but $78k is serious money and there is serious competition at that selling price.
Hi Darin - This is digging up an old post about the sweet new boat you bought last winter, and it doesn’t really fit this forum. However I’m trying to find info from SLX-W owners about their experiences with it, and you are one of the first I have come across.

I am considering the purchase of a leftover new 2017 model, and comparing it to other surf boats on the market. Are you happy with the boat? Does it meet expectations? Really we are looking for a good all around boat that has surf capabilities. We will never be high level surfers or wakeboarders for that matter, but we want the capability to ski, tube, surf and wakeboard. The SLX-W looks like the right fit for us, but since there aren’t many out there it is tough to get real world feedback.

Do you have any thoughts or suggestions? Frankly our local dealer seems to be offering a decent deal on this boat, but it looks like you may have done significantly better than their current price. Since I’ve never bought a new boat before, I’m trying to figure out a good approach to the negotiations as well.
We are loving the SLX-W 230. It does everything well.

Does the one you are looking at have the joystick? That feature is totally worth it.

We are very happy with the boat and for a do it all family boat - hard to beat.

If you need more specifics - let me know.
