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Enjoying a beautiful day on the Sea Ray!
At the 408k (i.e., a san jose area code) / Pat Tillman Memorial fun run with my family.


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Just the usual when putting the boat away after driveway boating this weekend, so much harder to do quickly after a few months out of practice.

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Cut it close there?
Always, unfortunately.
That's the iron workers installing the hot tub balconies on the building I am working on. I didn't notice until after taking the picture that the knuckleheads don't have their harness lanyards attached.
That's the iron workers installing the hot tub balconies on the building I am working on. I didn't notice until after taking the picture that the knuckleheads don't have their harness lanyards attached.
And now you posted on internet which is permissible to osha as evidence. I am sure someone else took the photo of someone elses job.
Sorry, been through a good bit with osha!
And now you posted on internet which is permissible to osha as evidence. I am sure someone else took the photo of someone elses job.
Sorry, been through a good bit with osha!

You said a bad 4 letter word that is not allowed at my site - OSHA!!! :mad:
Saw this baby lambo in front of my local home depot. I also met the owner as he came out of the store. He said it cost over $200k and the bigger model is twice that. At 10k miles it already needs new tires. They are low profile 305s, custom made/sized. I probably can’t afford the tires on this car.
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Totally agree - it was 52 degrees this morning! In March, in Florida! Another cold front is ruining my only day off to take the boat out this weekend.
Totally agree - it was 52 degrees this morning! In March, in Florida! Another cold front is ruining my only day off to take the boat out this weekend.

I feel your pain going to have to wear pants today with a high of only 72.
On a semi related note, I have a friend from Chicago that always turns me down when I invite him to go skiing or snowboarding. When I asked him why he said something like this, “I grew up in the snow and came to hate dealing with it (had to shovel it sometimes to go to work and it slows down / causes a lot of traffic) so i developed a goal to get out of it and indoors ASAP. That stated, I don’t go to the snow to have fun and moved to California so I would see as little of it as possible.”
I saw this as I was leaving the movie theatre last night and think it is post worthy as well as thought provoking. Am I this type of parent? Are you?
As the parent of a 15 year old boy I’m more likely to facilitate access not block it and am looking forward to the day he starts inviting girls to boat and jet ski v. The boys club I saw a lot of last season.
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That is an awesome poster. No children yet, but I think I would facilitate my son but also embarrass him at times. 100% block if I have a daughter.
That is an awesome poster. No children yet, but I think I would facilitate my son but also embarrass him at times. 100% block if I have a daughter.

To quote a member here or on YJB (aka “the other site”), “When you have a boy you only have to worry about one boy, when you have a girl you have to worry about all the boys.”

This seems like a movie for a younger generation but I may force my son to see it with me.