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@haknslash , congrats on paying off your truck and getting a quasi raise. Reminds me of a buddy of mine when he finished paying spousal support and again when he finished paying child support. Another friend’s kid just finished college, she said it was like getting a $22k raise.
T minus 24 hours till the start of 2018 boating season!!!
That's the iron workers installing the hot tub balconies on the building I am working on. I didn't notice until after taking the picture that the knuckleheads don't have their harness lanyards attached.

Was gonna ask about that. We locked down on the tie off requirement in lifts a couple of years ago. If you're over 48" in the air (and not on a ladder) you need to be tied off even in a lift.

I still remember when we first began enforcing it. I came around a corner and there was a guy on a lift and his harness was lying on the ground. I told him "It sure is a lucky thing you weren't in that harness when it fell out of the basket. You could have been killed." He got the message and I never saw him work without being tied off again.
So over the snow! Ready to get her out and ready for the season!!
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Ugh. I can empathize. My Mom up in the UP of MI told me that their total for the season so far is 271" with 41" still on the ground (as reported on the local radio station by some old duffer that calls in daily with the totals from South Range).

I always wanted to move "home" someday but at this time of year I'm quite content here southeastern WI. She'll still be looking at snowbanks in the middle of April.

In fact, Florida keeps looking better and better. Not sure I could handle summer down there though. I tend to melt when it gets too hot. ;)
Need some time to have a hitch made for it. It’s an AWD so maybe I will take it to the snow first.

Lol, oops wrong pic, a meant to attach this one with the personal plate.

My bad, fat thumbs here is a pic of my new baby and I.
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20180315_193132.jpg Finally put up the fence that the wife has been pestering me about.


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This is a great opportunity for you all to remind your wives that when you ask a man to do something you don't need to keep reminding him every year!
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This is a great opportunity for you all to remind your wives that when you ask a man to do something you don't need to keep reminding us every year!

My Mom wanted french doors installed in her dining room. That was a desire she had when they bought the house in the early 1960's. My Dad was reminded of it on an annual basis for several decades.

Dad spent the majority of his vacation time and weekends doing projects around the house - some minor repair, some major renovations - but he always procrastinated those french doors. When asked about it, he would be heard to mutter something about "balloon framing" and building a deck or it'll be a "Door to Nowhere." He would walk into the dining room, look at the wall, tilt his head a few times, shake his head, and then go install a new bathroom in an attempt to look busy.

Fast forward to the late 1990s. His #1 helper (me) had moved over 300 miles away to find a job. So my over-65 Father found himself (with some "help" from his over-70 neighbor) struggling to muscle a pre-hung french-door into place - on a house with a foundation that sticks up 5 feet above ground level. (Yes, even first floor jobs were ladder work on that house.)

Mom got her french doors.

The deck followed shortly thereafter.

The moral of the story is this: If she wants it done, it's going to get done. Best to do it while you're young enough. It's not going away.

I told my boss this story and his response was "That'll teach him." ;)
Finally put up the fence that the wife has been pestering me about.
You see, she was not “selling it” properly. Imagine if she had said, “Honey, I would love to go skinny dipping every night if you could just put in a privacy fence for me.”
My 2018 Boating Season officially kicked off today! MAN I love getting in my Yamaha boat! This is Crab Island today. Lots of fog rolling in. Water still chilly but you won't catch me complaining.

In Atlanta for the week for work. Found these guys visiting at my hotel.

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You didn't see nuthin :D